The crowning achievement of stupid ass Bleach wank and the thing that got me to working on this post. If we’re being honest with ourselves, if we’re going by direct feats,no powerscaling, no lore and just by concrete powers, DBZ rolstomps the shit of the entire Bleachverse.  Hell even if we highball the verse toContinue reading “Ywach Solo’s DBZ/S :MASSIVELY DEBUNKED BLEACH WANK”

Debunking Bleach Wank: Yhawch can solo the Narutoverse Part 2

Back with a part 2 of why the Bleachverse can’t solo Narutoverse and why it’s laughable Ywach could solo the verse plus more Bleach wank debunked and Naurto downplay debunked. Now for more  feats for the Kages vs  Madara. Since we all know Dust releases erases on a subatomic level and an amped Onoki withContinue reading “Debunking Bleach Wank: Yhawch can solo the Narutoverse Part 2”

Debunking Bleach Wank: Yhawch can solo the Narutoverse

https://comicvine.gamespot.com/forums/battles-7/naruto-vs-bleach-god-tier-battle-2072470/?page=3 https://comicvine.gamespot.com/profile/thevivas/blog/boruto-uzumaki-respect-thread/140028/ https://comicvine.gamespot.com/forums/battles-7/naruto-vs-bleach-god-tier-battle-2072470/?page=3https://comicvine.gamespot.com/forums/battles-7/naruto-vs-bleach-god-tier-battle-2072470/?page=3 https://w13.naruto-manga-read.com/manga/naruto-chapter-560/ https://ww3.readbleachmanga.com/chapter/bleach-chapter-511/ Just when I thought the utter idiocy can’t get worse with Bleachtards, they keep getting alot dumber.  However the very peak of Bleach wank idocy is centered around the Thousand Year War Arc, where the wank has gotten so bad that they think they can beat any verse This isContinue reading “Debunking Bleach Wank: Yhawch can solo the Narutoverse”

Medaka Kuromaki is FAR stronger than you think?One of the most OP characters in anime

Medaka Kuromaki is FAR stronger than you think?One of the most OP characters in anime https://www.wattpad.com/711717465-random-book-12-how-strong-is-medaka-kurokami Yep, it’s time we talk about one of the most OP fictional characters by the name of Medaka Kurokami.  Thanks to my research,  The Reddit Respect Thread, videos from Nightmaster and, this respect thread was made possible and frankly,Continue reading “Medaka Kuromaki is FAR stronger than you think?One of the most OP characters in anime”

How Accurate is Death Battle? Wonder Woman vs She-Ra

Unlike that last journal where i completely debunked, deconstructed, and exposed the fraud that is Captain Marvel and showed just how superior her previous version was, we’re instead going to be respecting the hell out of these women https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/She-Ra_(Filmation) https://he-man.fandom.com/wiki/She-Ra https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/She-Ra_(Filmation) https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/He-Man_(Filmation) https://www.youjournalm/watch?v=FfjR0q3uUl4 https://community.cbr.com/showthread.php?140737-Wonder-Woman-RESPECT-Thread We will be using these sources for determining the accuracy withinContinue reading “How Accurate is Death Battle? Wonder Woman vs She-Ra”

Broly vs Hulk:The real Death Battle

To avoid this going on a downer note, we’re going to do both characters justice.  After all, we  end 2020 and start 2021 on a high note. Broly has a lot of forms from the video games  and depending on video games, his power level tends to vary as well as the OG non CanonContinue reading “Broly vs Hulk:The real Death Battle”

Death Battle DEBUNKED:Broly vs the Hulk

Boy Death Battle did another shitty Death Battle yet again, this one is quite the stinker.I honestly haven’t seen a death battle this poorly researched and badly written since Gaara vs Toph, every single thing about this Death Battle is just flat out wrong from the winner to the feats of the winner, not aContinue reading “Death Battle DEBUNKED:Broly vs the Hulk”

Majin Buu vs Kirby:Who really wins ?

by 345rv5, Jul 21, 2015, 8:27:34 PM Journals / Personal As you all seen from the first two DBZ journals, this is going to be a weekly theme as i attack the DBZtards for their sheer stupidity.I’ll be making other journals as well ,including my own series recap and a Naruto review coming up soon to catch up with all theContinue reading “Majin Buu vs Kirby:Who really wins ?”

Fu Reiji senpai has noticed me Part 1:Erza’s speed

by IreneBelserion69, Nov 27, 2017, 1:49:10 PM Journals / Personal Thank you  for mentioning me within your Dragon Cry review and within the previous mention of Erza’s Feats. Before I get to scalingNatsu’s speed and power from Dragon Cry allow me to address the other post I was mentioned in as well Going by the desgin of the guns within Dragon Cry,Continue reading “Fu Reiji senpai has noticed me Part 1:Erza’s speed”

In a desperate attemp to save Biden’s Sinking Campagin, Obama goes to pander to his mindless drones about how bad the Orange Man is

Might as well mock Obama with his own bullshit agenda,. https://www.sfgate.com/news/article/Barack-Obama-to-hold-first-in-person-event-for-15663135.php In pitch for Biden, Obama urges voters to cast Trump out Good luck with that Obama, you’re going to need it. PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Former President Barack Obama blasted President Donald Trump’s handling of the coronavirus, his culpability in national discord and his overallContinue reading “In a desperate attemp to save Biden’s Sinking Campagin, Obama goes to pander to his mindless drones about how bad the Orange Man is”