Majin Buu vs Kirby:Who really wins ?

As you all seen from the first two DBZ journals, this is going to be a weekly theme as i attack the DBZtards for their sheer stupidity.I’ll be making other journals as well ,including my own series recap and a Naruto review coming up soon to catch up with all the missed stuff here but let’s go over my thoughts on the previous DBZ battle prior to Superman vs Goku that caused shitstroms with the fandom, Majin Buu vs Kriby.

Allow me to address my problems with Death Battle for a minute. While i agree with the overall decision here of Kriby beating Majin Buu, the problem here is that they far downplayed Majin Buu in this fight. Let me adress several problems i had with Death Battle’s research here.

1)Buu’s durability is far above Planet level, Fireza a far weaker character surrived the explosion on Namek and he’s far superior to Prefect Cell who is stated to be a Solar System buster. 

2)Buu is much faster than the speed of light DB, that was bullshit on your part ! This is legimate downplaying which is just shitty,lazy research on your part. 

We’re going to go over these two because this is one of the few times i kinda agree with DBZtards about Buu being screwed over. If there is anything i hate as much as DBZ wank,it’s DBZ downplay which just brings me to a small side rant i need to make about OBD, one of the soruces Death Battle admits to using in their death Battles.

ODB or Outskirts Battledome while it does a far better job than most VS battle sites reporting truth and evidence, it also has plenty of confrimination bias and hypocritical double standards of it’s own.this can be seen when they massively downplay DBZ. I wanted to go over them last year when i was pwning this Sailor Moon hater when the site shut down, however the Vs Battle Wiki data copied most of the OBD data and we’re going to go over that brelfiy.…

Are you shitting me ? SSJ3 Goku only Sub Relativistic ? That’d despite being shown massively faster than Piccolo’s Realstivc Ki blasts back in the Sayain Saga but more on that later. Let’s compare this to another character Luffy !…

So Luffy is somehow Massively Hypersonic Pre Skip despite being slower than a Mach 40 Lucci and being unable to dodge actual lightning PTS ?…

As for the calc here ? This doesn’t make Kafila faster than Lightning, she aim dodged Nami, not the lightning.

That speed is deeply contradicted by the fact that Sanji, a faster character than Kafila was easily speedbltized by Eneeru who is only as fast as Lightning.

And mind you that same Sanji holding back was easily keeping up with Kafia( Note he doesn’t hit women, that mangina,LOL)

And Luffy struggled to even catch Eneeru, Luffy only lucked out because of Eneeru’s arrogance and the fact he’s made of rubber.Do keep in mind Luffy was hit pointblank by all of Eneru’s attacks and never dodged Lightning.

In fact, Lucci was much weaker and slower than Eneeru and yet curbstomped Luffy int eh first round largely because Luffy’s rubber body didn’t protect against his attacks

But yeah this is a grand example of confrimination bias and hypocrisy from the OBD

So yeah, Goku Sayain Saga ? Only Mach 270 yet Luffy PTS is Mach 441 ?

Mind you Luffy struggled against Doflamingo who’s attack speed at best was Mach 153 to 690 , from the very same calcers…

How does it make sense that PTS Luffy and TS Luffy are around the same speed when it’s clear that TS Luffy would easily bltiz Pasfsctias..

Whereas his PTS counterpart was too slow to even dodge one propely.

This wanking of Moneky D Luffy’s speed PTS is no different from the DBZtards wanking Kid Goku as Faster Than Light because he dodged a laser (Nevermind the fact that laser hasn’t shown Lightspeed movement) yet one is rightfully rejected for being utter nonsense contradicted by the fact Goku couldn’t even dodge Lightning yet Luffy’s bullshit Lighting dodging is actually accepted as “Fact” by the OBD despite their own calcs contradicting evidence and facts within the series.

But since i finished showing you why OBD isn’t all that reliable, let’s get to debunking two key factors here regarding the downplay of Majin Buu here,

1) Majin Buu isn’t above Planet level !

I think this a mistake that Death Battle did in their own shoddy research because even the ODB have Kid Buu at at least Star level with their calcs.…

However let’s bring up some canonical facts into Buu’s Destructive power and durability.

King Vegeta planetbust by 345rv5

Palnetbusting is no big deal to characters with a power level of 10,000. 

Fireza with a power level of 530,000 leveled Planet Vegeta, a planet 10 times the gravity of earth and density within his base form, putting his busting power to 100 the GBE of Earth.…

And confirmed to be able to bust Planet Namek at his full power using a reveaetly weak attack that is over 575 times the mass of Earth.

And surrive his own planetbuster

Vegeta\'s Final Flash by 345rv5

Super Vegeta, a character confirmed weaker than Prefect Cell is able to create a small Supernova sized explosion with his Final Flash.

And Cell is stated to be a Solar System buster which is about reasonable given powerscaling plus Super Vegeta’s feat.

Now onto Buu’s own feat which i stated makes him up to Nebula level 

Here’s an accurate scale to show how much weaker Super Prefect Cell is to Goku within the Buu Saga.

Semi Prefect Cell: 1/100th

Pui Pui: 1/100th

Super Vegeta: 1/50th

FFSSJ Goku: 1/20th 

Yakon: 1/20th 

Cell Jr: 1/20th

Prefect Cell:1/10

Super Prefect Cell: 1x

Dabura/ Adult SSJ2 Gohan/ Eastern Supreme Kai: 1x

Fat Buu: 2 x casually, , 10 x full power enraged

Goku(Supressed ki) 1/10th base, 5x SSJ , 10 SSJ 2

Vegeta( Early Buu saga)1/10th base, 5x SSJ , 10X Majin Vegeta

Goten ( Pre ROAST): 1/1000th base, 1/20th SSJ

Trunks( Pre ROAST): 1/1000th base, 1/20th SSJ

Gotenks ( Pre ROAST) 5x

Evil Buu: 100x

Super Buu:20,000x

Goten ( Post ROAST): 1/100th base, 1/2th SSJ 

Trunks( Post ROAST) 1/100th base, 1/2th SSJ 

Vegeta( Massive post Zenkai) 50x base, 2,500x SSJ , 5,000xSSJ

Goku( full power ) 50xbase 2,500x SSJ, 5,000x SSJ 2, 20,000x SSJ3

Gotenks( Post ROAST) 50 X base, 2,500 x SSJ, 20,000x SSJ 3

Goku( full power/Post Zenkai ) 500xbase 25,000x SSJ, 50,000x SSJ 2, 200,000x SSJ3

Mystic Gohan: 100,000x 

Kid Buu: 200,000 x

Buutenks: 2,000,000x


SSJ 4/Vegito: 800,000,000

Super Vegito:40,000,000,000

Time to see how strong Kid Buu really is .

This is from the flashback in which Kid Buu busted an entire Galaxy over a period of a few years.

Unknown Galaxy Buu attacked: 279px

Kid Buu’s exploisons: 3px each

Therefore we get something like this

Galaxy( Assuming it the same size as the Miky Way Galaxy): 100,000ly

Kid Buu’s Ki blasts:1,080 ly

Potential amount of stars busted via radius of exploison:3,225,806,461.612903

Engery need to bust the Sun:163.19 Tenatons

To get the yeild of the attack, do this

3,225,806,461.612903×163.19=526,419,356,468.504 Tenatons

Now divide that by 23.9 Tenakilotons to get the final result of Buu’s power

526,419,356,468.504 Tenatons/ 23.9 Tenakilotons

22,025,914.42839789 Foe

Kid Buu’s Ki blast yeild: 22.026 MegaFoe or 22 Million Supernovas

 Trunks wielding an ordinary sword that condensed his attacks to the point he didn’t wreck anything more than a pebble ,wrecked someone who survived complete vaporization of a planet. 

Also keep in mind that Goku was able to casually tank Trunks sword WITH ONE FINGER.

2) Majin Buu isn’t FTL 

Another calim i think is horsehit 

The most common argument from DBZ fans is the speed of the Sayain Space Pods and how King Kai was able to track the Sayain Space Pods to Earth used by Nappa and Vegeta, Bluma’s Namekian spaceship and the one Dr Breif build for Goku to travel to Namek in under one week. This would be the measrument of Goku’s true speed.

Frist the Sayain Space Pods used by Nappa and Vegeta.

According to Dragon Ball Wiki, Sayain Space Pods move at 3 light years per Hour. Doing some math into this,that means the Sayain Space pods are capable of moving over 26,841 times the speed of Light. If it took the Sayains less than a year to get to Earth, they were roughly 26,280 light years away from Earth when they heard about the Dragon Balls from Raditz prior to his death and Goku’s.

To deterime the estimated distance between Namek and Earth, we need to see how fast the Namkeian Space Ship is.

Click to advance to the next page!
Click to advance to the next page!
Click to advance to the next page!

The Namekian spaceship manged to travel from Earth to Jupiter within a spiltsecond. The distance between Earth and Jupiter is 365 million miles. The speed of the Nameikan spaceship is 1962.37xFTL or 1,962 times the speed of light, only 1/12th the speed of the Sayain Space Pods overall.

Click to advance to the next page!
Click to advance to the next page!

It took Bulma , Kririn and Gohan 37 days to get to Namek using the same spaceship that can travel to Jupiter within a second.

365,000,000 miles per secondx60 secondsx60 minutesx24 hoursx37 days=1,166,832,000,000,000 miles traveled

1,166,832,000,000,000 miles traveled/ 6 Trillion miles=194.4 Light years

Going by the speed of a Sayain’s space pod, it would take only 2 days and from a space pod on the level to reach Namek.

Click to advance to the next page!

Goku’s spacepod is much slower than the Sayain space pods Vegeta and Nappa used considering it took 6 days with his spacepod to reach Namek, which is still much faster than Bulma’s space pod. 


6.166666666666667×1962.37=12,101.150842x FTL or 12,101 times the speed of light.

Now for the distance between Earth and Planet Fireza #79

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It took 18 days for Sayain Space ships to reach Fireza planet #79. Given the ships move at 3 lightyears per hour. That means the spaceship travled a distance of 1,296 Light years.…

Going the DBZ timeline, Fireza called in the Ginyu’s on Age 762 December 20th, the Ginyu’s arrived at Age 762 December 24th. A period of 4 days. Meaning that Planet Fireza #79 is only 288 Lighyears apart from Namek. This is fruther supported by the fact Vegeta healed around Age 762 December 13th and left for Namek the following day and arrived at Age 762 December 18th. The same day as Gohan, Bulma and Kirin.

Now that we got a consistent speed pattern going, we can now determine how fast Goku is. 

 It should be noted that Goku’s Brother Radtiz was faster than Piccolo who shot a casual Ki blast that hit the moon within seconds which puts Piccolo and Goku with power levels below Raditz between 1/5 and 1/4th the speed of Light and making Raditz at least Lightspeed or FTL given he reacted to both Goku’s Kamehameha wave and Piccolo’s first attempt at Special Beam Canon and evaded both attacks which were much faster than the casual Ki Blast that hit the moon by Piccolo within the same arc.

Therefore going by the data, powerscaling and data as well as feats, speed is as high as one’s power level.

If Raditz with the power level of 1,500 can dodge Lightspeed to FTL full powered blasts speed would would like this in DBZ.

For King Kai to not be able to track Goku and Fireza’s speed despite tracking ships 26,841 times the speed of Light. Fireza would be 80,000 times the speed of light and Goku would be 100,000 times the speed of light powerscaling from Raditz and the comparable feats there.

1,500-15,000=Lightspeed to 10xFTL

15,000-150,000=10xFTL to 100xFTL

150,000-1,500,000=100XFTL to 1,000xFTL

1,500,000-15,000,00=1,000xFTL to 10,000xFTL

15,000,000-150,000,000= 10,000xFTL to 100,00XFTL

150,000,000-1.5 Billion= 100,000xFTL to 1,000,000xFTL

Kid Buu is at the very least Massively FTL. In fact powerscaling backwards from Beerus and Whis Speed Feat ( Kid Buu is much slower than both), Kid Buu is at least Hundreds of Millions of times faster than Light. Soo now that we have an accurate Measure of Buu’s power, let’s put up the feat sheet for Majin Buu

Destructive Capacity:  At least Solar System level + ( Curbstomped Dabura at full power who was comparable to Prefect Cell and Super Prefect Cell, held his own with Majin Vegeta who was far superior to Super Prefect Cell and SSJ2 Teen Gohan, one shotted the Eastern Superme Kai who is 1,000 times stronger than Namek Saga Fireza) At least Solar System level , potentially Muilt Solar System level ( 400 times stronger than base form, matched SSJ3 Gotenks in battle ) Multi Solar System level +( Was stated to have destroyed entire stars within the manga version easily and the anime version slowly shows him destroying a Galaxy overtime, stated to level Galaxies overtime in the manga) At least Muilt Solar System level +, potentially Small Galaxy level ( Far stronger than Kid Buu, only weaker than Vegitio in power who equaled a SSJ4 Goku in power who was below Omega Shenron in power who can Galaxy bust)

Speed:  Massviely FTL+ ( Superior to Fireza and Goku who outpaced FTl ships that can travel the distance of 194 Lightyears in a few weeks, superior to Cell Saga characters who can react to attacks that can launch to the sun in seconds and even distant solar Systems in seconds, superior in speed to SSJ2 characters) Massively FTL+( On par with SSJ3 Gotenks) Massively FTL+ ( Superior to SSJ3 Goku and Mystic Gohan)  Massviely FTL+  (Buutenks, a weaker form than Buuhan managed to catch Mystic Gohan by surprise)

Lifting Strength: At least Class Y+ ( Superior to Namek Saga Goku who can hold back blasts that can planet bust and Fireza who can toss away Vegeta’s Planet busting Glick Gun with ease) 

Striking Strength: At least Class XTJ( Superior to SSJ2 characters who are superior to Cell) Class XPJ (On par with SSJ3 Gotenks)Class XEJ ( Superior to SSJ3 Goku and Mystic Gohan,Able to push the Spirit Bomb back which had the power of all the people of Earth, sveral stars and planets and the engery of Mystic Gohan and other Z fighters) At least Class XEJ + ( Far Superior to Gohan and SSJ3 Goku, casually smacked back Gohan’s Ki blast through the planet)

Durability:   At least Solar System level + ( Survived Majin Vegetas Final Explosion who has superior attack potency to Cell’s Solar System buster)At least Solar System level , potentially Muilt Solar System level ( 400 times stronger than base form, matched SSJ3 Gotenks in battle who is far stronger than Majin Vegeta ) Multi Solar System level +( Stronger than Super Buu) At least Muilt Solar System level +, potentially Small Galaxy level ( Far stronger than Kid Buu, only weaker than Vegitio in power who equaled a SSJ4 Goku in power who was below Omega Shenron in power who can Galaxy bust) Regeneration makes him hard to kill given he can survive up to atomic destruction( Superior to Cell’s regen)

Stamina:  Very high, but can lose energy if he takes enough damage.

Range: At least Stellar Level ( Superior to Super Vegeta who can cover a star level distance, superior to Cell Saga characters who can launch characters to the sun with seconds) At least Stellar level+ ( Superior to Fat Buu) Muilt Stellar level (Can destroy a Galaxy in 3-5 years) At least Muilt Stellar level+

Intelligence: It tends to differ. As Kid Buu he’s just an omnicidal maniac with the mindset of an animal, as Super Buu he’s just an impatient lugnut but then gets smarter when absorbing Piccolo, and as Fat Buu he’s more like a child with the occasional temper tantrums.

Weaknesses: Very low intelligence in some forms

However, this is the only thing i conced to DBZ. Because even giving all of this , Kirby is still superior to Buu in every way possible and here’s why Death Battle was right to have Kirby beat Buu.

Exhibit A ) Kirby is far more powerful than even the strongest version of Buu

As strong as Majin Buu is, his power pales in comparison to Kriby and here is way it pales in comparison.Let’s get to the mere fodders of the Kirby series first and how strong they are.

A mere fodder Waddle Dee is capable of potentially planetbusting with a single punch! Kreiby can easily kill them

Kirby fucks up the moon as a side effect of a fight against Nightmare

Kriby defeated Nova who is at least Planet sized.

In Kirby Super Star, Nova was capable of holding off the sun and the moon (they were planet-sized, however) (… (skip to 1:13))… Kirby one-shotted him later on.

Now here’s is where i have to correct Death Battle at !Kriby threw this creature into the sun and back in a matter of 20 seconds. They’re incorrect about Kriby’s throwing speed. It takes 8 minutes for light to travel from the Sun to Earth, going by this distance and speed of the attack, it took Kriby 10 seconds to hit the sun. It would mean Kirby can throw people into the sun at speeds up to 50 times the speed of light.

Now for the energy of this throwing strength.

The acid monster and frying pan combined weight is 3.5 tons

The distance between the Sun and Earth is about 93 Million Miles

The velocity of the monster being thrown i s 9.3 Million Miles per second ( 50 times the speed of light)

A single pound equals 4.4482216 Joules

4.4482216 Jx 3.5 tonsx93 Million Milesx 9.3 Million Miles per second =2.693086803288e+19…

26 930 868 032 880 000 000 joules = 6 ,436.631 939 megaton [explosive]

 Just for the energy needed to throw someone to the sun, that’s more energy than the stockpile of nuclear weapons combined

Now this is were we get into the extreme high end. Note that the frying pan itself withstood the surface temperature of the sun, withstood the gravitational binding energy of the sun and withstood the atmospheric pressure of the sun. In other words the strength and throwing power of Kriby is stronger than the GBE of the sun. And mind you this is a much weaker transformation of Kriby

 Kriby has defeated Queen Sectiona who can resist the pull of Hypernova Kirby, this puts Kriby Top Tiers at least Muilt Solar System level.…

Hypernova Kirby is described as a veritable black hole. Now some have said “hur dur veritable means it’s a metaphor” because they go with the first definition that pops up on Google. Yet if they actually studied the word in dictionaries, they would know…

Nintendo using the word veritable in the description basically means “It’s literally a black hole, deal with it motherfuckers.”

Now, the definition that pops up on Google is correct…. but it’s the U.K. definition. Guess what continent Kirby was localized in (hint: it’s the one where Kirby actually sells and is a household name)

1 solar mass is 1.9891 * 10^30 kilograms. The value of a 1 meter black hole is 0.00017 solar…

I myself heavily disagree with Kirby being 8 inches tall so I went with the much more reasonable 1 meter which I always pegged him at. But I will go with 0.2 meters/8 inches for a low end which is 0.000033 solar masses.

1.9891 10^30 0.000033 = 65640300000000000000000000 kg for Hypernova Kirby’s low end mass.

1.9891 10^30 0.00017 = 676294000000000000000000000 kg for Hypernova Kirby’s high end mass.

Now every black hole calc I have seen uses the e=mc^2 formula (including ones by Endless Mike such as the accepted Thanos one) so I will use that formula.

Low end force of Hypernova Kirby = 1,410,014,127,150,000,200,000,000,000,000,000 tons of TNT which is 1410 tenatons.

High end force of Hypernova Kirby = 14,527,244,457,400,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 tons of TNT which is 14527 tenatons.

However that’s actually scratching the surface of the of that power . A Hypernova is 100 times stronger than a normal Supernova. A Supernova is measured in Foe or 23.9 Tenakiltons. It would take at least 5 Foe to destroy the Solar System. A hypernova alone has enough power to destroy our Solar System 20 times over

Hypernova Kirby is described as a veritable black hole.

129.404 kiloFoe= Enegry of a Black Hole

If this assertion is correct, then Kriby is roughly 22666.66666666667 times the level of Solar System busting

Now time to get to the high end feats of Kriby’s feats.

Magolor Soul would be galaxy level. In his final battle with Kirby, he had moves that warped the galaxy they were fighting in.

 Galacta Knight was stated to be galaxy level by a very legible source. (NOVA the wish granting comet) Meta Knight in Meta Knightmare wished for the opportunity to defeat the strongest warrior in the galaxy. NOVA granted that wish, and Meta Knight won. Considering Kirby regularly is the victor in his battles with Meta Knight, and has also defeated Galacta himself(Kirby Super Star Ultra: The True Arena), well……

Nightmare is immensely powerful who was going to spread nightmares all around the galaxy,This confirms Kriby in stronger states with the Star Rod being at least Galaxy Level +! 

However as Death Battle noted, Kriby’s true power is literally Universe level. It’s confirmed to being it’s very own Universe within the Death Battle and the animated series. To put that into prespecitve, not even Beerus is that strong to contain a Universal busting feat or potency up to Universe fact the creators themselves have officially Beerus is not a Universe buster.

Beerus usually uses his power to destroy planets,[6] but he is strong enough to destroy entire solar systems with ease (as said by King Kai, who described Beerus’ energy as like a ‘freight train’) and can even destroy entire galaxies, although this is enough to severely tire him out. 

Beerus> Every other villain within the entire DB seires and not even Beerus is said to be a Universe buster, hell he gets tired out from busting Galaxies.There is over 200 Billion Galaxies within the Universe, if Beerus gets tired out from blowing up just a few Galaxies, he’s not even 1/100,000,000,000th as strong enough to Universe bust.

  Kid Buu is over 15 Million times weaker than Beerus, even Supe Buu fused with Gohan at best is only 1/100th the power of Beerus . When you look at the statistics and the energy of Kriby at his maximum power, he’s over 3 Quntillion times stronger than Kid Buu. To give you a presecitve of the monstrous power gap between a full power Buu and a full power Kriby.

Son goku render by 5kgfx-d6qfir7

That would like putting Raditiz up against Base Goku in Dragon Ball GT, that much of a curbstomp and BTW Kid Buu is like Raditz compared to Kriby.

Exhibit B ) Kirby is far faster than even the strongest version of Buu

Now we get to the speed. While i deeply oppose Death Battle claiming there are no FTL characters in DBZ ( Which is proven false with Beerus and Whis alone and a much weaker Beerus was weaker than Fat Buu and still FTL), they are still right about Kriby’s speed being faster than Majin Buu.

warp-speed item. In the Kirby series, Warp Stars are used to move between stages. In Smash Bros., they’re ultrafast attack items that zoom up and down to devastate anyone they hit. You can shift your landing spot by moving the Control Stick left or right during your descent. Choose your target and hang on! Don’t overshoot the mark and plummet off the stage, though.

First of all, I know I said SSB is Non-Canon, cause it is! This statement above is the descriptions on how it is used in the Kirby lore. Second of all, The Warp star is NOT a mechanical vehicle, it is created by Kirby’s own energy, and the fact that Kirby keeps destroying it again and again to kill enemies is a proof that Kirby keeps regenerating it, no to mention that Kirby’s own heart is actually a star, as shown in “Mass attack”. But the biggest proof that Kirby’s Warp star is created from his own energy is in Kirby’s dreamland 3, where he jumped few times, an aura encircled him, and the Warp star appeared out of his body.…

Kriby has easily outran Blackholes which already makes him FTL casually .

He also regulary keeps up with Meta Kinght who can fly into another solar system in seconds

  • As the name indicates, it can go at warp speeds. Has been used to travel between galaxies and planets on a very regular basis

Given Kriby’s vast power, he can travel galaxies and planets between several minutes to several seconds depending on his output. In other words not only does speed not matter to Kriby, he has more feats than Buu in speed and can accurate to as fast as he wants to be depending on his power output. Even Buu’s FTL feats don’t matter here.

Exhibit C ) Kirby is far more durable than even the strongest version of Buu

As i stated before, Death Battle downplayed Buu’s durability given he got scattered by his own attack which is at least Muilt Solar System level . However even going with attack pontecy. Kriby.Kriby is still way stronger than Buu simply due to the attacks he has tanked from his villains.

For example Kriby has fought on par with Queen Secitonia without his power up most of that battle and it required his Hypernova to kill her for good, the explosion was of Planet level AOE, the attack was of Muilt Solar System level, Kriby was unfazed by the blast.Death Battle is right though, an attack on the same level as this done by Kid Buu stunned him.

Magolor has said multiple times to be powerful enough to conquer the universe. Has unlimited magic potential. While one might argue that’s Hyperbole, just remember Kriby’s potential is Universe level +

Kriby using his most powerful state and his full power against him confirms this and the fact Kirby has tanked attacks from this cosmic reality wrapper proves Kirby can withstand anything less than a Big Bang.In other words Buu can’t kill Kirby.

Destructive Capacity:  At least planet level casually(Far superior to fodder Bananda Waddle Dee’s who can crack a planet in half,regularly fights planet level characters), Likely Solar System level+ ( Thrown people into space with power surpassing the GBE energy of the Sun, has defeated NOVA and Marx who can bind the energy of the Solar System using his regular attacks) At least Muilt Solar System level with Hypernova( equals the power of a Blackhole)At least Galaxy level + with Star Rod( Defeated Galactica Knight and Nightmare who were galaxy level threats)Universe level via Super Form or absorbing the Star Rod or Wrap Star (Kirby can manipulate his entire stomach dimension which is universe sized via the Star Rod as well as store people, powers, attacks, and food for later)

Speed:  Massively FTL+(could keep up with Meta Knight who could travel from planet to planet in seconds and easily cross solar systems in seconds as well. Can outpace Blackholes)Massively FTL with the Warp Star (flew to the center of the galaxy in a few minutes)Higher in Super Form

Lifting Strength: At least Stellar Class(Thrown a 3.5 ton monster into space with power surpassing the GBE energy of the Sun,) Liokely far higher in stronger states

Striking Strength: At least Class XJ casually( easily cracked a planet with a punch) Likely Class XTJ ( Can kill Nova and Marx who are around this teir) At least Class XYJ with Hypernova( Can defeat Queen Secntoina who can withstand up to Hypernova’s power) At least Galactic Class with Star Rod ( Can defeat Nightmare ) Up to Universe Class in Super Form( Can kill a Cosmic Reality Wraper)

Durability:  At least planet level casually( Tank blows from fodder Bananda Waddle Dee’s who can crack a planet in half), Likely Solar System level+ ( Tanked attacks from NOVA and Marx who can bind the energy of the Solar System using his regular attacks) At least Muilt Solar System level with Hypernova( Tanked his own Hypernova attack which killed Queen Sectiona which equaled a Black hole )At least Galaxy level + with Star Rod( Tanked attacks from Galactica Knight and Nightmare who were galaxy level threats)Universe level via Super Form or absorbing the Star Rod or Wrap Star (Tanked attacks from Magolor who is a cosmic reality warper )

Stamina:  Very high, but can lose energy if he takes enough damage.

Range: Vaires depending on power ups, Up until Universal

Weaknesses: Naive, a few hits can take away his copy ability 

The overall Winner: Kriby

In the end, Screwattack was Right after all. Granted i don’t like their downplaying of DBZ here but Kriby will still win. Hell if Death Battle did they’re research more, the battle would’ve be a realistic curbstomp !

The death battle should’ve been more like this, an awesome curbstomp in Kriby’s favor.Kriby is stronger than the entire DBzverse combined going by feats alone, which puts him even higher with powerscaling. If  ANY of you whiny DBZ fanboys have a problem with what I wrote, please try to refute with EVIDENCE and FACTS.

But, this is pathetic and one-sided like crazy. These whiny videos prove my point. I could see them all as a rebuttal video, but most, if not all of them do nothing but completely hypes up one side (in this case, Majin Buu) while completely crapping, or completely ignoring the other side (Kirby) especially when all these videos HATE being labeled as the pathetic rantings of a “Butt-hurt” DBZ fanboy, yet said videos end up coming of as just that.

Then again i do intend to debunk the DBZtards massive wanking but that’s for another day! I enjoy pissing off DBZtards and DBZhaters alike.Personally Sayain 17 is the one i really want to take on given his notorious DBZtard wank and downplay of other characters.

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