Death Battle rant Finale:The bias and hypocrisy of Death Battle EXPOSED.

Yep  might as well end this series of debunking Death Battle  with an expose of just how corrupt and bias Death Battle is, in general, let alone within this fight. For those who claim that I’m some conspiracy theorist in the making ,  it’s time you observe yourselves how criminally biased Death Battle is SoContinue reading “Death Battle rant Finale:The bias and hypocrisy of Death Battle EXPOSED.”

Death battle RANT 5:If you added all the feats from both mangas to current chapter, Zoro loses badly.

What’s ultimately sad and disappointing about this death battle is that it could’ve been very good. Erza and Zoro are both my favorite characters of both seires i actively read and watch, they both deserve way better than the shit they both got form Death Battle.  While Erza was horribly nerefed for Zoro to win,Continue reading “Death battle RANT 5:If you added all the feats from both mangas to current chapter, Zoro loses badly.”

Death Battle rant 4:Erza actually has more durability and durability feats than Zoro

Let’s also cover another massive example of dishonesty and hypocrisy within Death Battle and that was the complete disregard for Erza’s durablity feats. Durablity Unfortunately for her she was simply otuclassed with regards to damage output and can only withstand 2 Kilotons. Funny Death Battle because like with the Zoro Pica feat, i got completelyContinue reading “Death Battle rant 4:Erza actually has more durability and durability feats than Zoro”

Death Battle rant part 3:Hey Wizshit, Erza moves much faster than bullets you prick

Speed Now let’s talk about the sheer dishonesty within Death battle with regards to Erza’s speed because this is easily the most dishonest and disingenous part of all this. Wiz: In the past, Erza could react to projectiles flying over five hundred miles per hour, but Zoro can move faster than the eye can see.Continue reading “Death Battle rant part 3:Hey Wizshit, Erza moves much faster than bullets you prick”

Death Battle Rant Part 2:Zoro is actually not much stronger than Erza.

Time to begin what I set out to do, to debunk and correct Death Battle. Power Wiz: Slicing Pica in half, for example, was equivalent to 11.5 megatons, that’s about 6,000 times bigger than anything Erza’s survived, The very telling thing about how dishonest Death Battle is is how they barely cacled Erza’s feats whereasContinue reading “Death Battle Rant Part 2:Zoro is actually not much stronger than Erza.”

Death Battle rant:Erza vs Zoro Part 1=my thoughts on the worst Death Battle ever.

Just when i think we reached the pinnacle of shit with Death Battle with Gaara vs Toph,  this battle happens.  Erza vs Zoro is easily the worst Death Battle I’ve ever seen and that’s saying something considering the declining quality of Death Battle as a whole. I’ll admit that part of me is interested inContinue reading “Death Battle rant:Erza vs Zoro Part 1=my thoughts on the worst Death Battle ever.”

Death Battle DEBUNKED:Broly vs the Hulk

Boy Death Battle did another shitty Death Battle yet again, this one is quite the stinker.I honestly haven’t seen a death battle this poorly researched and badly written since Gaara vs Toph, every single thing about this Death Battle is just flat out wrong from the winner to the feats of the winner, not aContinue reading “Death Battle DEBUNKED:Broly vs the Hulk”

Majin Buu vs Kirby:Who really wins ?

by 345rv5, Jul 21, 2015, 8:27:34 PM Journals / Personal As you all seen from the first two DBZ journals, this is going to be a weekly theme as i attack the DBZtards for their sheer stupidity.I’ll be making other journals as well ,including my own series recap and a Naruto review coming up soon to catch up with all theContinue reading “Majin Buu vs Kirby:Who really wins ?”