GamerGate 5 months Later: Reflection of the Past

by 345rv5, Jan 29, 2015, 7:24:24 PM Journals / Personal I’m really shocked that the Social Justice Warriors have maintained this hardline assault against Gamer Culture for 5 months. I’m also impressed further by the sheer heartlessness and barbarity within GamerGhzai and the fact this is still going on. For fucksake i’m pissed off this war contintutes and continuesContinue reading “GamerGate 5 months Later: Reflection of the Past”

GamerGate 4 months later and hypocrisy of Anti GG

by 345rv5, Dec 27, 2014, 4:02:27 PM Journals / Personal We’ve now approached month 4 of GamerGate and the battle continues however in the spirit of the holidays i’m going to be taking a small hiatus from the fight to relax with my family and catch up with old projects that been put off since my 6 week blitzkergContinue reading “GamerGate 4 months later and hypocrisy of Anti GG”

3 Months Later:GamerGate still isn’t dead

by 345rv5, Nov 28, 2014, 5:47:14 PM Journals / Personal It’s now officially the 3rd month anniversary since the GamerGate Hashtag took off and exactly this time period when the Gaming Journalism Press took their shots at the Gaming Community. It’s nearly been 3 months since i gave my special commentary on the GamerGate issue that started off withContinue reading “3 Months Later:GamerGate still isn’t dead”

BDTDT: Zoey Qunin’s Orgy of Lies and Hypocrisy

by 345rv5, Aug 29, 2014, 6:56:27 PM Journals / Personal ( Warning : The following rant contains insults against Fundamentalists Feminists and isn’t intended to generalize all Feminists . If you’re not a Fundamentalist  Feminists and believe in equality and actually fight for real Feminists causes, this doesn’t apply to you and i support you )  Yeah as you know it’s been nearly 2 weeks sinceContinue reading “BDTDT: Zoey Qunin’s Orgy of Lies and Hypocrisy”

MSM uses El Paso Shooting to smear Trump

by IreneBelserion69, Aug 4, 2019, 1:36:35 PM Personal Journal God this meme is just too fitting. Unfuckingbievable, not even 24 hours after the shooting and MSM is using the still warm dead bodies of the mass shooting to blame Trump for the shooting. As we speak the top trending Twitter hashtag are the following. Dayton9 killed andContinue reading “MSM uses El Paso Shooting to smear Trump”

El Paso shooting used by idiots to push agendas

by IreneBelserion69, 4 days ago Journals / Personal Finally, a journal when i can just take a giant shit on the entire Two-Party System, take the piss out of Former Presidents and the current president and piss everyone off on the Autism…I mean political spectrum because boy there’s some fucking idiocy from both sides of the Two-party Doupoly and showContinue reading “El Paso shooting used by idiots to push agendas”

A response from the Reactionary Scumbag commie

by 345rv5, Jan 30, 2015, 2:37:13 PM Journals / Personal Yep Party9999 responded to my 4 part takedown and PWNage of him, i’m quite surprised honest. I thought he would’ve brushed off my attack and do what SJW’s of his kind usually do, block me and run away but i got to give Party credit were credit is due.Continue reading “A response from the Reactionary Scumbag commie”

Majin Buu vs Kirby:Who really wins ?

by 345rv5, Jul 21, 2015, 8:27:34 PM Journals / Personal As you all seen from the first two DBZ journals, this is going to be a weekly theme as i attack the DBZtards for their sheer stupidity.I’ll be making other journals as well ,including my own series recap and a Naruto review coming up soon to catch up with all theContinue reading “Majin Buu vs Kirby:Who really wins ?”

Fu Reiji senpai has noticed me Part 1:Erza’s speed

by IreneBelserion69, Nov 27, 2017, 1:49:10 PM Journals / Personal Thank you  for mentioning me within your Dragon Cry review and within the previous mention of Erza’s Feats. Before I get to scalingNatsu’s speed and power from Dragon Cry allow me to address the other post I was mentioned in as well Going by the desgin of the guns within Dragon Cry,Continue reading “Fu Reiji senpai has noticed me Part 1:Erza’s speed”

fight for Net Neutrality

by IreneBelserion69, Nov 25, 2017, 1:05:46 AM Journals / Personal… with less than 3 weeks before going to congress I want to make sure I’m doing my part in making sure everyone who does not want Ajit Pai and the rest of his FCC bastards take away net neutrality and pretty much making it less enjoyable for everyoneContinue reading “fight for Net Neutrality”