Fu Reiji senpai has noticed me Part 1:Erza’s speed

Thank you  for mentioning me within your Dragon Cry review and within the previous mention of Erza’s Feats. Before I get to scalingNatsu’s speed and power from Dragon Cry allow me to address the other post I was mentioned in as well

Going by the desgin of the guns within Dragon Cry, the guns are defitnely more styled around Modern firearms as oppsoed to the 1920’s era thompsons used by Bisca or her 16th century Flintlock pistol used by Bisca prior to becoming part of the Fair Tail guild. Given the muzzle vecity of a standard AR-15/M-16 Assult rifle/Sproting rifle is around , 993 m/s (3,260 ft/s) dodge it and block it as effortlessly as Erza dodes, you would need to be around 5,000m/s to do it as easily as Erza does

Erza blocking bullets with relative ease is not the least bit surprising, if anything I’ve made a refutation to Death Battles’ bullshit downplaying of Erza’s Speed not long ago.

Tatarus a FAR slower character than Erza Pre Skip effortlessly cut apart shotgun rounds fired by a criminal mage. Keep in mind Tatarus is lower than Natsu

Able to easily dodge Natsu’s attacks while toying around with him. Natsu is shown to be Hypersonic in speed around this point.

Later one, it’s shown that her base speed alone trumps Natsu as she speedblitzed Natsu with ease and one shot him before he can throw a punch towards her.

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Note the same Natsu is able to bltiz Tararus

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Who casually sliced apart bullets at point blank range which even Naruto Fourms ( A notably Anti Fairy Tail form) has accepted the speed of Tarus to be Around Mach 6.24 – 7.95. Note the bullets and gun look pretty modern

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She’s shown Hypersonic base speed with this feat here alone.Going by this feat, she crossed over 60 feet in an instant while rocks were still falling. Given free fall speed of an object is 56 m/s and Erza crossed that distance while debris was starting to fall around 1 meter from her fall, meaning she moved around 56 times the free fall speed with ease, giving her a casual speed of 3,136 meters per second or Mach 9.21.Note Erza was weakened from her pevious fight with Ikagura so this wasn’t even her top speed either.Also n ote that her Benisakura state makes her 5 times her base speed so this was a casual speed feat on her part.

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Also note that Erza>Jellall in terms of speed and power.

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Who in the same arc could move as fast as a metor which is way faster than any bullet

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Here’s another feat of her speedbltizing dozens of fodder mages before they can even react and easily requip weapons at the same time.

Biltizes Evergreen’s attacks who can overwhilem Elfman, a character who should be at least as fast as Taraus within her base form.

Evergreen’s Needle laser blasts should easily be comparable to the speed of Kaku’s Ranyaknu rain attack.

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An attack Zoro PTS could barely block against much less dodge and keep in mind Zoro was at his full power whereas Erza was toying around. For those who calim PTS Zoro>PTS Erza need to observe the sheer difference in speed between the two.

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Fruthermore on a sidenote, Zoro had an entire battle prior struggling to cut steel PTS

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Whereas in the very same Evergreen vs Erza fight, Erza efofrtlessly cut down a steel water cooler within a fair distance with pressurewaves alone

Just putting that out in case any OPtrd thinks that PTS Zoro can beat PTS Erza much less TS or even Second timeskip Erza

Can block Ikagura’s slashes which are able to cover 10 meters in a milsecond

Which are fast enough to easily bltiz Sho, a character whois at least as fast as PTS Taraus.

Another impressive feat is Erza dodging engery arrows midflight from Evergreen and reacting to them while the arrows are 20 feet above her.She moved out of the way 15 feet before they hit here within a millsecond.

Erza also dodged a point blank range exploison from Evergreen with ease.

The same exploison that one shotted Elfman and Elfman was too slow to evade even in his beast form and even with ehanced senses without sight.Making Base Erza up to Mach 29.38

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Here’s her blocking her own attacks thrown back at her.

Her reaciton speed is even more impressive given she can react to Laxus Lightning speed attacks in her stronger armors at point blank range. This puts her reaciton speed and speed in faster armors up to Mach 146.9 at the very least.

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Once again to contrast, Natsu can barely land a hit on Laxus’s base speed even at point blank range.

And in a previous scene was easily blitzstomped by Laxus

And to back my point up, Laxus can actually use nartual lightning to tavel at the speed of lightning.

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Can bltiz Midnight who easily blitzed her base speed of Mach 29.38

Nearly speedbltizes Asuma with increased speed from her full power Benisakura, meaning she’s at least Mach 146.9 here.

It should be noted Erza is only 1.2 times slower than Laxus who moves at Lightning speeds PTS which is Mach 236. Using Flight Armor, Erza can potentially be up to Mach 196 PTS.

To back this point up, here’s her and Kinghtwalker using their fastest attacks .

Erza is able to react to attacks that even Juvia can’t react.

And all of this was “In the fucking Past”.

Onto the frist timeskip.

Erza has also massively improved on her speed as well.

As shown before, Erza is a Lightning doger in base form. Note even PTS Erza needs Armors to ehance her speed to dodge lightning, now she can dodge Lightning speed attacks without having to use Armors.Erza’s TS speed is at least 5 times faster than PTS speed given her base speed easily dodged a lightning speed attack in base form. Given her maxium speed was 146.9 PTS, her maxium speed would be Mach 734 or 249772.9 m/s.

Erza is also fast enough to block attacks while being unepxectely swtiched with another fighter.

At full speed, she can blitz Kagura a fighter faster than her Flgiht Armor.That makes Erza’s full speed up to Mach 1469 via powerscaling in a short brust.

This is fruther backed by her using her strongest armor which easily speedblitzed Minvera.

She also bltized Minvera and removed her dress before she can notice

She procsses enough speed to block a suprise attack from Kyokua, actually have enough strength to block her attack and kick her faster than she can react.

She was also able to dodge slashes from Kyokua and her retacting claws

She also dodges and blocks Koykua’s attacks and catches her with her preicing armor

She can dodge flying pillars and deliver a kick to Kyoku’a face and a direct slash

Dodges more flying pllars thrown by Kyokua

Most notably, able to bltiz Kyokua without any of her senses and defeat her demon form

Minimum speed/reactions: Mach 146.9

Maximum speed/reactions: Mach 734.5 to Mach 1,469


Even Lucy has shown supersonic reaction feats and she’s far slower than fucking Erza and these were feats back in PTS.

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Hell given Lucy has been shown dodging lasers from Biscklow, which i’m pretty sure is at least as fast as bullets and she’s far slower than Erza.

Tatarus easily deflected bullets and he’s far slower than Erza.


Taurus intercepts bullets: Mach 6.24 – 7.95 

Hell OBD ackolwedges Tatarus at being nearly Mach 8 speed, which is around the same speed they have for PTS Zoro in Water 7.-

Yet according to Death Battle, Erza is slower than the speed of sound because fuck facts contradicting they’re inhereinty biased results.

Also let’s look at the feat Death Battle used as a reference to speed to Zoro.






Early Series Zoro is massively faster than eyesight, can outrun bullets while disappearing, and dodges shotgun bullets at point blank range.This makes Zoro’s reaction speed easily within the Supersonic range casually and able to have millsecond speed. While Zoro is fast in the begining of the seires, HE’S NOWHERE CLOSE TO BEING 9,000 mph from the begining of the seires and the claim he moved that fast is bullshit.

Even more so when Zoro was later struggling with opponents moving around 9,000 Mph or faster.


Even OBD, a notriously Anti-Fairy Tail and Pro One Piece only has Zoro Pre Alabasta Arc at the Supersonic range, which nowhere near the Mach 12 number Death Battle calced Zoro to be so they’re just pulling calcs out of their as to fit with their narrative.


Hell even OBD acknowledges Erza at being at least Hypersonic and they fucking hate Erza. Why i bring up ODB,? More on that later.


Funny enough OBD itself puts Water 7 Zoro at Mach 9 , for those who failed math Mach 9 is nearly 7,680 MPH, given Mach 9 is below that, that’s easily 2,000 MPH slower than what Death Battle Claimed he was moving back in Alabasta IN WHICH HE WAS FAR SLOWER THAN WATER 7.Yes Death Battle is wanking One Piece even more than ODB ,let that sink in.

Also to fruther illrustae my point about Death Battle dishonesty and hypocrisy here’s how Zoro fared against someone who literally moved at Lighting Speed.

He got barabcued and blitzed by Eeneru. Keep in Mind Eeneru is geninuely Lightning speed for he can move in a form of a lightning blot which is over 50km/sec. This is PTS Zoro.

Contrast this with PTS Erza who was able to react to Laxus lgithning bolts which move as fast as actual Lightning.

And like Eneru, Laxus can move at the speed of lightning.

Look at these two feats closely and you see just how disigenous Death Battle is with regards to the fight. Funny how Erza is only 587 MPH yet dodged Lightning at point blank range while transforming into armor(Which proves her requip is lightning speed as well) whereas Zoro within a comparable point of time couldn’t even react to Eeneru up in his face.


Speed: Hypersonic normally (his pre-cog also further complements his reactions), his lightning attacks moves significantly faster (Skypiea Zoro & Sanjiwere unable to evade them), speed of lightning when traveling as lightning

For fuck sake, even ODB ackolwedges that Zoro and Sanji were nowhere close to Lightning speed within the Eneru profile when they fought him

And Zoro isn’t just bltized by Eeneru once but twice in a row.

So again, who’s really the slower one here? By the same disngenous logic as Death Battle, i can calim with these two actually comparable feats from canon that Zoro isn’t just slower than Erza but FAR slower than Erza,m but then again that would be completely ingoring how much Zoro has improved in the timeskip and make me a disingenous hypocrite like Death Battle.

Also why the hell is Screw Attack Lowballing feats here ? I thought the point of Death Battle was to depict the characters at their absoutle strongest and fastest, not nerf both characters and fruther nerf the less popular character. To be fair, that’s always been a problem with Screw attack for even some of their better battles have done this such as SUperman vs Goku but you would think with 3 Seasons, they would present all the edivence but nope, they don’t.

If Screw Attack wanted to present Zoro’s speed feats, they should’ve done it like this.



Able to casually dodge a Pascfsta Laser, something his original Mach 18 self can barely do. Making him at least 10 times faster than PTS Zoro.https://www.youtube.com/embed/6C8Ir2rV_Wk?autoplay=0&enablejsapi=1

He’s also able to nonchalantly dodge Hody’s water bullets and nonchalantly deflect them with ease, showing casual Hypersonic speed+

Blitzed Hoyzu who can react to a toying around Luffy’s Second gear speed post timeskip.

Can swin underwater faster than Fishmen themselves.https://www.youtube.com/embed/1pBs7ZDKzxM?autoplay=0&enablejsapi=1

Blitzed Monet who is at least on par with Timeskip Gear Second Luffy’s speedhttps://www.youtube.com/embed/fOY1MPsNaMw?autoplay=0&enablejsapi=1

Can keep up with Fujitora who is at least going by power scaling from Dolfamingo and Law.This makes Zoro at most up to Mach 637 at maximum speed given he should be no slower than Dolfamingo or Fuijtora.

Minimum speed/reactions: Mach 92 to Mach 180

Maximum speed/reactions: Up to Mach 637

Alos another example of how disingenous Death Battle was is that they used the Anime adpation of the Omake feat as a grand exmaple of her espeed.Nevermind using Omakes as a soruce of strength when they’re no canon is stupid, the fact Death BATTLE did this is a grand sign of unproessionalism and hypcorisy.

I mean To Aru characters can literally split apart planets

Yet somehow can’t fend off clones of some preverted human jackass in the omakes

By this loi does that mean Yami is not planet level because of an omake?

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 Here’s how the bullet blocking feat went in the original Omake of Erza vs Moulin Rouge. Notice something different?She was in BASE form! And she was cleary not trying in the slightest. To say this is her Maxium speed is outright dsingenoushttps://www.youtube.com/embed/aY8BJMlaCa8?autoplay=0&enablejsapi=1

hell even in the anime verison where she wore Cleart Haart clothing, she wasn’t trying in the slightest

Sorry for that, just proving how Death battle downplayed Erza but since you asked for a scaling of Natsu allow me to delvier on that in the next journal

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