GamerGate 4 months later and hypocrisy of Anti GG

We’ve now approached month 4 of GamerGate and the battle continues however in the spirit of the holidays i’m going to be taking a small hiatus from the fight to relax with my family and catch up with old projects that been put off since my 6 week blitzkerg into the heart of Radical Feminism. I would only respond within the week if there is a necessary need to respond but i do need to catch up on requests, Shonen Recaps and movie reviews so i would be taking a small break from GamerGate after this post.

Boy month 4 has been crazy as hell as we now see the true colors of Social Justice Warriors and RadFems. It’s become clear that they’ve gotten desperate at this point when they’re resorting to full blown censorship. Even yours truly was hit with the censorship bomb over a week ago but i will get to the gang of censorship happy thugs later. However before we get into what happened in the 4th month, note what hasn’t happened since the 2nd month ended, American Media coverage on GamerGate.

It should be noted that throughout October, Gamerghazi, the opposition to GamerGate have blitzed the mainstream media in America with every corporate ,media outlet aside from Fox News hammering GamerGate, most of this caused by the so called death threats against Anita Sareiskan and Brianna Wu, even the considerably more credible TYT was partially white knighting her at the time of the campus threats(However given people like Kyle and Pakman are members of TYT, they’re clearly neutral at best).

So what stopped the media blitz ? Ironically enough, Stephen Colbert stopped the blitz. The infamous Anita Saresikan interview with Colbert was seen as many within GamerGate and even myself as a utter fucking failure and Stephen Colbert as a selllout to SJW’s. While it’s true Comedy Central itself and Viacom tried to censor debate because they were bribed by Sliver String Media and probably forced Colbert into wearing kid gloves, some people tend to forget that Colbert managed to dance around Comedy Central Brilliantly and still took the piss out of Anita Saresiakn.

I’ll go into more details when i make a review of this with the next Gamergate post but it should be noted that Colbert isn’t Thunderf00t, he doesn’t go on the pure offensive and destroy the moronic opinions of extremists with facts and evidence in a direct fashion like Thunderf00t does, Thunderf000t also doesn’t have a Muilt Blillon Dollar Media company threatening to fire his ass when he attacks people with big bank accounts like Anita. I’m not defending Stephen Colbert by any means, the iinterviewwith Anita was godawful and below his usual below the belt however as wee seen by the questions CColbertacts and the level of satrie he does, he’s purposely treating her with kid gloves because he parodies the mentality of mainstream media and the people who watch colbert are opposed to mainstream media or watch mainstream media and have doubts on it .

Colbert has used the very same tactics he used to humilate congress

And he did the same to humiliate Bush. It’s basically false persona of friendliness he puts on and always puts on as a form of his satire . Ironically enough he was trolling GamerGate and Anti GamerGate at the same time but when you read between the lines, he was masking his criticism of Anti GamerGate by pretending to be the strawman sterotype of what people think GamerGate is like. Comedy Central realizes the damage it can do to it’s brand by censoring comments but the damage has long been done.

Colbert by putting on kid gloves already humiliated Feminist like Anita Saresikann because it shows that even with cleary a restricted opinion, Anti GamerGate has no leg to stand on and that has become the very thing that killed any further mainstream support for Anti GamerGate within American Mainstream Media. Why you think barely anyone in Anti GamerGate goes on CNN, MSNBC and other mainstream media outlets? Why do you think the media that loves to exploit tragedy for their personal gain stopped supporting the Anti GamerGate side ? Hell even overseas, support for Anti GamerGate in the media has started to decline and the Anti GamerGate side know it’s losing media support.

 Which explains why in the last month, the SJW’s have been more rigorous than ever to censor dissent and trying to shut down the GamerGate debate.

29 Nov 2014

  • William usher publishes an article titled “#GamerGate: ‘Your Check – From A Publisher – Is In The Mail’ States GJP Thread”.
  • TechRaptor publishes an article of an interview conducted with Jennifer Dawe an Indie Developer and GamerGate supporter.
  • TechRaptor publishes an article about Wikipedia’s involvement with GamerGate titled “Wikipedia Attempts to Redeem Neutrality Over GamerGate Article”.

1 Dec 2014

  • NicheGamer releases another article of an interview conducted with Xbro, an Xbox game developer. This interview was on the subject of IGDA and blacklists.
  • TechRaptor published an article about David S. Gallant an indie developer, David S. Gallant decided not to give steam keys to GamerGate supporters who had previously bought his game “I Get This Call Every Day”
  • William Usher releases an article about John T. Drake a former press representative for Harmonix and current director of portfolio strategy at PlayStation who was in a relationship with Andrea Rene, a freelancer and former contributor to the Escapist, while doing preview for Harmonix’s Fantasia: Music Evolved. There were no disclosures of this fact or any acknowledgments during the time the preview was published.

2 Dec 2014

  • Brad Wardell writes an entry in his blog showing disapproval of Zoe Quinn’s call to blacklist an illustrator who drew a comic she found offensive, due to this the opposition of GamerGate started a boycotting campaign against Brad’s company Stardock. 

3 Dec 2014

  • Techraptor’s Georgina Young interviews William O’Neal, a Journalist who was a member of GameJournoPros, about his famous phrase and his depiction of the private google mailing list.
  • William Usher publishes an article about Desura’s stance on David S. Gallant’s actions as well as their policies, they also revealed that David removed his game from Desura. David claimed that Desura’s “social media representative acted in an unprofessional manner” towards him, so therefore he decided to pull his game.
  • William Usher releases an update on the David Gallant situation, the update reveals that David is unable to withold steam keys from being given to specific accounts. Due to this David abandons his plan of withholding steam keys from GamerGate supporters who had originally bought his game.
  • An article on The Amherst Student, a college student newspaper, was released by William Harvey. Its tone is fairly neutral, and seriously talked about both the perceived harassment and corruption both sides present. At this time, the article appears to have been removed, though an archive can be found here.
  • Target Australia pulls GTA5 from shelves. The decision is attributed to an online petition that claimed that the game encouraged players to “commit sexual violence and kill women.”Shortly afterwards, Kmart Australia announces that they’re pulling GTA5 as well. 

4 Dec 2014

  • Techraptor covers the story of Devi Ever, a game developer that used the money of her kickstarter to donate to a non-profit instead of paying back her backers their refunds for her failed project. 
  • Nichegamer interviews developer Christian Allen, who worked on AAA games including Halo: Reach, Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor, and Ghost Recon. Allen criticizes the current state of game journalism and states that “I have personally sat in negotiations where a publisher negotiated a higher review score for a game in exchange for an exclusive cover or assets for a separate upcoming game. It is common, especially with previews. This is why you often see glowing previews of bad games, or pre-release reviews that have to be revised post-launch.”
  • Kotaku publishes an op-ed defending Target’s decision to remove GTA5. The article attacked Grand Theft Auto‘s for portraying women as “‘prostitutes’ or wailing, nagging buffoons” and stated that “the petition was the work of women with serious, sincere concerns.”  Ben Kuchera of Polygon  and Kyle Orland of Ars Technica  express similar sentiments, claiming that refusing to sell GTA5 was not censorship.
  • Totalbiscuit tweets “When you see games media sites celebrating the censorship of a videogame, you know they’ve forgotten what it means to be proconsumer.”  PennyArcade also criticizes the decision, publishing a strip comparing the removal of GTA5 to bookburning 

5 Dec 2014

  • NicheGamer publishes an article in which Xbro responds to a facebook post by Sela Davis a software engineer at Xbox Live.
  • William Usher publishes an article about CBC’s executive producer’s acknowledging the media slant against Gamergate.
  • APGNation publishes an article of an interview conducted with Dr. Christina Hoff Sommers about Gaming and GamerGate.

7 Dec 2014

  • Destructoid writes an article, talking about AbleGamers refusing to receive money from Mercedes Carrera’s charity porn stream due to it’s links to #Gamergate. AbleGamers claims they were DDoSed shortly afterwards. Although AbleGamers didn’t name a culprit, Destructoid draws the conclusion that #GamerGate DDOSed AbleGamres. 
  • TheRalphRetort releases an article in which an individual pinged the IP address for AbleGamers’ webserver during the supposed DDOS attack and received a ping response time of 139ms which indicates that there was no DDOS on AbleGamers. TheRalphRetort hypothesizes that AbleGamers received a spike in normal traffic which was mistaken for a DDOS. 
  • Techraptor interviews Mercedes Carrera and Mark Barlett, founder of AbleGamers. Mark confirms that AbleGamers was not the target of a DDoS attack that their network issues were caused by normal increased traffic. 

11 Dec 2014

  • NicheGamer interviews Adrian Chmielarz, the Co-owner/Creative Director of The Astronauts (The Vanishing of Ethan Carter), and the former Co-owner/Creative Director at People Can Fly (Painkiller, Bulletstorm).
  • Breitbart releases an article about GamerGate’s Anti-Bullying Campaign and how it cost Gawker over a million dollars.

13 Dec 2014

  • Wikia’s VSTF deletes’s “Wikipedia” article.

15 Dec 2014

  • Breitbart journalist, Milo Yiannopuolos, Announces he is putting on hold his current book:’The Sociopaths of Silicon Valley’ to write one about #GamerGate to which he refers as the biggest internet storm in a decade. 
  • Hatred, An indie game of which heavily endorses violent behavior is pulled from Steam Greenlight for being reportedly too offensive to be supported on the Service.

17 Dec 2014

  • After heavy backlash and criticism from consumers, Hatred is reinstated on Steam Greenlight, along with a personal comment from Gabe Newell about the removal
  • More Gamejournopro emails are leaked, revealing that a circle of journalists lead by Patrick Klepek from Giant Bomb conspired to blacklist developer Kevin Dent from receiving any interviews or media attention. 
  • Jimmy Wales defends the deletion of the’s “Wikipedia” article.

18 Dec 2014

  • An anonymous Redditor publishes a private e-mail from Jimbo that reveals Jimbo’s strong feelings on GamerGate. Jimbo called people who investigate corruption in journalism and publish their findings online “vicious assholes” and questioned the decentralized, leaderless approach of GamerGate.

19 Dec 2014

  • William Usher continues the story about the blacklisting/boycott of Kevin Dent which was done by GameJournosPro. This Boycott/Blacklisting may have breached AntiTrust laws, something that can be reported to the FTC. 
  • releases an article in which it shows with evidence how Margaret Pless and Zoe Quinn doxed the lawyer Mike Cernovich, filled false police reports against him and put his live in danger by trying to get him swatted for showing support to the ideals of #GamerGate
  • Cloudflare doxes the Ralph Retort and takes the side of SJW’s like Brianna…

20 Dec 2014

  • Information comes out proving Randi Harper not only abuses animals but a former Anti Feminist which makes her a complete hypocirte and attention…

21 Dec 2014

 Jimmy Wales shows his true colors and becomes Full SJW and kills credibility within Wikipedia as he’s just simply following the cash at expensive of jounralistc ethics.…

22 Dec 2014

Zoy Qunin attempts to launch attacks on 8 Chans funding from Hotwheels Pateron but it fails.…

Patreon apologizes to Rougestar, Indie Developer and GamerGate Supporter for co signing Brianna Wu’a bogus allegations.…

23 Dec 2014

SJW’s attempt to demonzie 8 Chan for it’s support of Loilta’s and Shotas and compare it to Child Porn in real life.. While i personally find that as reprehensible and if i had any legal authority want that kind of hentai banned, it’s not Child Porn under legal definitions because there are no real children being exploited. Ironically enough, in an attempt to demonize 8 Chan, they post real child porn which is a federal offense.…

The Christmas week has been a slow circle for GamerGate as nothing of note has happened within the last few days related to GamerGate however we’ve seen within the Last Month an increased need to censor people and abuse the very infrastructure of free speech for their personal gain. When Doxxing and SWATing has failed to silence the opposition, they now resort to DOS attacks,Hacking and attacking the funding into sites like Tech Raptor, Ralph Retort and 8 Chan which are all Pro GamerGate sites and attacking games that don’t fit with their Censorship agenda such as GTA 5 and Hatred and don’t think it’s going to stop from here anytime soon.

I myself within DA have experienced this form of Censorship within the last 2 weeks as SJW swine took down several post criticizing some head figures of the Gamerghazi movement on DA. It can be seen here and i’ve posted two journals  in response to that and thanks to :Icosilverplatine:, i now have mirrors of the orginal post and i do enocurage everyone to repost anything not just token domw from me but any post censored by SJW’s and if you had experienced a takedown of material from SJW’s, you can contact me and i’ll mirror it. 

Before i get to my response to the opposition who promotes censorship on DA, allow me to give special thanks for :Icosilverplatine:  and  for re uploading these pictures for me , they help send the message that we’re not going to be silenced by cultural terrorists.If you wish to reupload any of these pictures here they are here.

Butthurt Gamer Girl Syndorme

I don't tolerate haarasment

White Kinght Loic

White Kinght Troll fail 3, White Kinght vs facts

White Kinght Troll fail 4, White Kingt deals in a

Butthurt Anti Gamer Gate 2

White Kinght Troll fail 2, Anita vs Anime

Party99999 doesn't understand Facisim…

Beta Male Glass Canons

Vandelle the White Knight Hypocrite 2

Anti GG Butthurt faggotry…

The more pictures people reupload and the more people reupload them, the harder it is for them to censor us 

Fredd the Massive Hypocrite and Double Misogynist 

Now that i got that out of the way, let’s address the Cultural Marxist who took down my post. Hey  Think you can get away with censoring me ? Motherfucker, you just fucked with the wrong man bitch ass nigga. Hell all you did was make yourself a target for me to rekt.I love how it’s you who censored my pictures and deviations because i didn’t fall in line with your SJW agenda. I will be man enough to admit i falsely accused both and  of censorship, however while i apologize for falsely accusing them of this form of censorship, they’re not off the hook at all. I still stand by as it being coincidence that that the time i blocked SyctheMantis, almost immediately afterwards you come around and block me. It also seems like coincidence that all the people within your inner circle of friends just happen to be the very people i’m criticizing. People like :iconParty99999:     and 

The guy who reported me

I also love your arrogant and dismissive tone that there’s nothing i can do about it, well look at me now motherfucker! I’m still talking and you can’t do shit to me.If anything i love that sentence that you put within the 3rd reply you made in which you admit to harassing me , so yeah let that sink in there. A guy who is part of the Anti GamerGate side calling to harass a GamerGater into silence . The Hyporicsy is immense within you already and i haven’t even tackled what really pisses me off about you.

Also i like the term “I’m going to harass through the system” there Rinzely or should i call you Fredd. While you can’t take down this post because there is nothing you can do to report a journal and if you try to file a claim of harassment, i would have a counterclaim of you wanting to misuse the system for your personal gain and you admitting to harassment and cyberbullying.

If anything you’re admitting to both harassment and abuse of the system there Fredd.

FAQ #295: What exactly is an “Abuse or Exploit of the System”?

An abuse or exploit of the System is any action which takes advantage of a feature which we offer here on deviantART in a manner which is inappropriate or otherwise not as originally intended.

Some examples are; creating large numbers of accounts in order to award yourself (or anyone) large numbers of Favorites or badges, use of a script or automated system to artificially boost your profile pageviews, use of a script or automated system to comment, favorite or devWATCH for you, offering a link which causes a deviantART account to preform an involuntary action (such as adding a Favorite), or any other similar activity.

You’re abusing the system in your own words to silence dissent against you and your SJW movement. Then again abusing the system to your benefit is what people like you do best. Then again you icon reminds me of Zoey Quinn funny enough and Zoey Quinnn abused the copyright system to take down Mudanne Matt’s videos on Youtube regarding the Zoey Post the same way you abused the screenshot policy ban to take down my posts (Even Though ScytheMantis had two posts that were screenshots that you didn’t mind).

Then again like Most SJW’s you’re a proven Hypocrite.

SketchieComic 11 - May contain traces of blood by Rinzley

You preach against games like GTA and Hatred for it’s violence and blood and yet you’re drawing pictures that have violence and blood.

Gears of Mouse by AndrewDickman

And to add more to your vast hypocrisy, you favor pictures like this which are based on games with appeal to straight male players while joining the side that decries games like Gears of War which are bloodier and more violent than GTA ever was.

Cleo by Andres-Blanco
RIOT CONTEST - Succubus Katarina by Kurunya
Elsa Dark Ice Queen pt.1 Cropped WIP by Zeronis

I also love how you flaunt around you gender studies degree and claim to be a hardline Feminist when you favor pictures like these that sexually objectifity women and BTW this is his most recent faves if you’re wondering.

Seems Appropriate by Rinzley

 But the most damning of your vast hypocrisy is the Gamergate Blocker stamp. It’s hypocritical that you claim to be against trolling yet all you do is troll and troll GamerGaters by finding anyone who is part of GamerGate and block them immediately and when they call you out on your sheer hypocrisy and stupidity, you play the victim, report to the authorities and have then damage control and white knight for you by silencing the opposition.

Hell this is you basically admitting to trolling to your right hand man.

Rinzley Dec 2, 2014 

It’s good to get out some pent-up aggression sometimes. I especially like antagonizing trolls and the like and then blocking them. Blocking is fun because they themselves prove to be even more offended by my lack of respect towards them.

I found a GG-group on deviantart and promptly blocked all of its members as well as placing a comment to lure in more GG-sympathizers that I could block. The comments are of course what I anticipated.

“Ooh, you’re so stupid. If you block, that means you admit you have no argument to your cause. Blocking only means you accept defeat.” And so on.

It needs to be recognized that a proper discussion and/or argument is not intended as a competition with a single winner. Blocking does not necessarily admit defeat, it admits that the blocked one is not welcomed in the discourse.

To which my friend replies.

The-Conquerors Dec 16, 2014  Hobbyist Writer

It’s good to get out some pent-up aggression sometimes. I especially like antagonizing trolls and the like and then blocking them. Blocking is fun because they themselves prove to be even more offended by my lack of respect towards them.

The block feature is meant to stop harassment, not so you can get the last word in and antagonize someone behind the safety of the block feature. That is a misuse of what it is intended to do and shows the strength of your argument. It basically shows your mentality “I’m right, you’re wrong, fuck you.” Of course you seem to have been taking lessons from Blockor the Blubearian. ~ C

So really, you started shit with people only to block them afterwards and preach to the choir how oppressed you are and how you’re a victim of trolling. In other words you admit to trolling people with a different viewpoint than your own and rather than debate them, you preemptively strike them before they even know about you. Hell you were talking shit about me before i was even alerted about you in the frist place.

I first saw him when he said some crap about Laci Green. I didn’t read it because “Laci Green remind me of why I’m not a feminist” was all I needed to read to understand that this is a person that cannot be reasoned with. That’s the funny thing really. People like this cannot fight feminism because their arguments are too uninformed. The only way you can fight feminism is to study it far enough to understand it properly. And by the time you know enough about feminism to harm it, it no longer matters because now you are a feminist and you know enough to understand that feminism is 100% benign, positive and harmless. 

I was pretty anti-feminist five years ago, if Gamegate had popped up when I was 17 I would have been on their side. But three years of university studies have been wonderfully enlightening and I am proud to call myself a feminist today 

LOL ! I’m the one who can’t be reasoned with ? You just admit to being brainwashed by Gender Studies programs! If there is anyone who can’t be reasoned with is a hypocritical snake who hides behind the block button and abuses the system to silence dissent.Also what great irony i’m being lectured by a Swedish Feminist about rationality but let’s put aside my Egalitarianism for a minute and let’s look on how Feminist you are Fredd.

You claim to be a Feminist which is for equality according the wikipedia and yet you not only go on the record of demonizing gamers but the MRA’s and side with people who demonize the MRA’s and deny the existence of Men’s Rights and you side with people who want to force women into their own gender roles and destroy Masculinity within western men while ignoring the misogyny, sexism and hatred of women from your Islamic Immigrant counterparts which you white knight to have them maintain the right to preform gentillal muilations, honor killings and forced child marriages along with gangrapes and wife beating.

You also claim to be a hardline Feminist yet you defend Laci Green who is a Sex Positive Feminist apparently , favor pictures of scantily clad women which makes you objectify women, favor pictures that are parodies of violent video games which makes you overly masculine and you draw violent cartoons which makes you as bad as the CIS scum you’re fighting against.

Really you manage to miraculously fail on both definitions of Feminism and actually manage to be a Double Misogynist. You’re a Misogynist for blindly white kingthing women while allowing women of color in Islam to be abused by Muslims and you’re a Misogynist going by the very definition of SJW Feminism given you objefcity women and like violent video games and cartoons.

Movie-Man, the massive jackass Weaboo foot fetish supporter of violence against women.…

Remember the hilarious lulz from Movie Man claiming i’m not a true Sailor Moon Fan because i wasn’t a Feminist? Remember he got butthurt when he was pointed out that Anita Saresikan hated anime ? Figures he’s a close friend of Fredd 

The Most Awesome Thing I’ve Read All Day

Yes, even just as good if not better than the teaser for Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Attention all certain individuals I know of that support GamerGate, yes you know who you are and I’ve met you. This is what happens you threaten women with rape.

Sweet, sweet karma.

Hell to give you an idea how butthurt and childish he is, he praises Alanah Pearce who is not only doxxing gamers but doxxing gamers and telling on their mothers. Yep he endorses snitching and doxxing , how childish and pathetic.

Also like all SJW’s who preach against objectification of women, he has favorites that contain objectification of women.

Will she endure? Or will she bend....erm yield? by BoneBoneKing
BSSM - Foot Massage by chaneljay

Bend Her 'Til She Breaks Colored by 12Beast1212

For a “Feminist” he sure loves obiefcitying and sexualizing women’s feet .

Freddy vs Jason by MARR-PHEOS

But the most damning about Movie-Man’s Hypocirsy is his love of violent movies and horror movies. Particularly the picture above. So he’s for Violence against women in movies yet aganist GTA5’s violence against women. Hypocrisy doesn’t begin to define you Movie Man.…

You have a entire gallery of horror movie pictures which many of those movies have violence against women and yet you join the SJW side of being against violence against women? And you thought i got nothing on you, now what bitch nigga?

BriannnaBatter, Trollslut with serious internalized Misgyongy…

Do i even need to point out the inherent hypocrisy of Briannabater ?Her Gallery speaks for herself and her actions.

Seriously when you are a Hardline Feminist yet “objectify”yourself, you automatically lose respect in my eyes. Seriously, you’re the true defintion of a trollslut.

Hell to further prove your complete and utter hypocrisy in what you preach, you’re part of  group that has tooless pictures in it 


So in other words you’re not even a Feminist by your own fault logic, just an attention whore hypocrite who loves playing the victim just to get attention and to get guillble beta males and white knights to defend your ass. Then again to be fair, you’re at least more upfront with your attention whoring that most Feminist extremists 

Femen Hypocrisy by 345rv5

However you have the same moral values as FEMEN, using self sexual objectifcation and attention whoring to get people to fight against sexual objectifcation and attention whoring and screw over your female competition, then again that’s probably your real goal assuming you have any brains in that empty shell in your head.

Vandelle,the Feminist Hypocrite with the mindset of Creationist.

Oh who can forget my good friend  who preaches for Socialism and preaches against Organized religion, well as long as it’s the religion of straight white men anyways.

Republican Christians Have No Sense of Irony by Valendale

I mean this guy is against Christianity and constantly talks about the violence and stupidity of that religion.

Islamophobia Parody by Valendale

Yet quick to defend Islam which still practices it’s violence and misogyny openly to this day.

He also complains about Global Climate Change Deniers denying scientific evidence about Global Warming for a deeply political agenda.

I Need Feminism Because by Valendale

Yet thinks that Gender Roles are purely cultural and denies evidence of evolutionary biology and psychology when it comes to sexual dimorpish  for a deeply political agenda.

Do i need to go on with this guy’s hypocirsy? His deviations speak for themselves. Speaking of Hypocrisy.

Party9999999, the Hamas/Fatah Supporting, Anita Loving ,Zionst Hating “Communist” hypocrite.

Oh  you’re sheer hypocirsy knows no bounds, i used to respect you until you came out the closet as a complete moron who knows nothing about actual Communism with this infamous post about GamerGate.

Ironcially enough you sealed your own fate comrade. By siding with Anit GamerGate, you proved you’re not a fucking communist Hell i’f anything you fruther sealed yourself as the very Fascist you hate as seen within our dialogue exchanges.



345rv5 Oct 23, 2014  Hobbyist

 I appreciate you do more research into GamerGate before making value judgements like that

Request closed temporarily



Party9999999 Oct 24, 2014 

You may as ask me to make a value judgement on the lost cause of the south.

All i asked you is to think before you act but again you proved your too stupid and dense to have logic.I cane make an entire jounral based on this talk alone but i’m going to limt to a few choice wrods you said within my exchange.



Party9999999 Oct 24, 2014 

Maybe some are fooled by your claims, but not me. I see gamergate for what is. just check the videos I linked.

The only pointless movement is “Gamers”who are under the delusion that Anita Sarkeesian is gonna take their games away.

Ironic you said this 5 weeks prior to the takedown of GTA 5 in stores Party, still think she isn’t trying to take your games away.

It gets better, Party reveals his Hypocrisy even further with this admission.

st closed temporarily



Party9999999 Nov 11, 2014 

Sasha Grey. Nah I’m more partial to Lisa Ann. But regardless of that, it doesn’t mean the Sex Industry isn’t exploitative.…

That’s an abridged comment on what he said here,essentially Party99999 watches porn that is exploitative. Dopes Hypocrite even begin to define this moronic asshole ?   Funny you’re talking about the exploitation of the porn industry when you just said in the same sentence you’re in favor of a pornstar. Thanks for reinforcing the fact you’re a hypocrite who’s full of shit . If anything, Lisa Ann supports Free speech, something you also condemned within this debate which fruther proves you don’t like her because of her ideology, you like her because of the porn she does. In other words, you’re supporting the “exploitative” porn industry you hypocrite.

Though on a sidenote, you have good taste for women. Still you really can’t lecture me or others about how exploitative the porn industry is and complain about the sexism in porn when you yourself watched Who’s Nailin’ Paylin . You lose any credibility with your Anti Porn argument when you admit to watching the thing you hate.


Party9999999 Nov 6, 2014 

Yes I dare criticize free speech. Too often I’ve seen it used as a shield to deflect any criticism of hateful ideas. “If your mean to Nazis your violating their freedom”

Yes I dare insult gamers and gaming and I do as someone who has enjoyed video gaming for years.

Communism isn’t about blindly supporting what is popular. It is about making a case for social and economic progress to the masses. What you are talking about is workerism. which ultimately becomes reactionary.

Guess that explains why you support the U.N’s push to ban Nazi propaganda that killed 15 million people.

But funny enough, you don’t push for the same ban against Communist progaranda that killed 100 million people.

You can go fucking fuck yourself you ungrateful little shit ! If you don’t like free speech, get the fuck out of Britain and move to China or North Korea, i’m sure you’re going to like the fact that you can be jailed for disagreeing with the government right ? There’s a reason Free Speech exists ! Free Speech exists to protect the rights of all the people, whether they’re Pseudo Communists or Neo Nazis. We don’t silence dissent because that’s the actions of a dictator! Free Speech isn’t just for people who agree with you, it’s for people you don’t agree with either.


Party9999999 Nov 24, 2014 

No what ruins society is hate, and it must be combated at every turn.

Hate huh Party ? Yeah you would know all about hate would you ? 

After all you condemn Jack Thompson( Ablet rightfully so) yet you support a even more blatantly racist, sexist, transphobic, homophobic monster by the name of Anita Saresikann.

Discount Racist by Party9999999

You constantly bash UKIP, a Libertarian leaning party and compare it to Far Right Racists equating them to homophobia, racism and misogyny.

Che Poster by Party9999999

Yet blindly support Che Guevara, a mass murdering racist, Anti Semitic, Homophobic, Misogynistic prick who banned free speech and elections.

Israel Talking Point Fail by Party9999999

You condemn the IRA separatist movement from Birtain

Yasser Arafat Graphic by Party9999999

Yet Support Hamas and Fatah who wish to kill all the Jews.

Hell you even defend North Korean, one of the most repressive countries in the world while condemning the U.S. Meaning you support state terrorism.

They Matter by Party9999999

All while laughably pretending to give a shit about American lives.

The Injustice of Saudi Society by Party9999999

Hell you pretend to give a shit about the injustices within Saudi Arabia. All while funding Fatah and Hamas who are funded by Saudi Arabia and all while excusing Sharia Courts in your country.

Though at the same time i at least respect the fact you’re capable of handling criticism given you still haven’t blocked me so that’s a plus at least.

I would attack you   but i’m afaird i’m out of space here so i’m just going to wait until the new year to tackle out that gem of a post you left prior to your christmas break about GamerGate so you’re spared this beatdown for now, anyways happy holidays and a happy new year to everyone and Anti GamerGater, if you’re seriously thinking you can stop GamerGate now, you’re even more delusional than i thought.

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