Twilight still sucks balls but now with werewolves

<ul><li>by 345rv5, Nov 11, 2009, 11:00:32 PM</li><li>Journals / Personal</li></ul>

The new shitty movie, Twilight New Moon is coming out in theaters and god shoot me, if I see even one ore twilight trailer or promo, I will go ape shit crazy. This anal cancer of a series is the plague that is destroying  the very  fabric of our society briefly reviewed this shitty series second book two months and god after watching these stupid trailers ,it was easily even dumber than the first movie adaption.

The New Moon hardly even changes in its sheer stupidity, “vegetarian” sparkly pansy vampires, bad writing, sexist portrayal of women, and poor character development, it is the same level of suckage and mind rape the first movie and book was, with even greater levels of FAIL than the original.

For fucksake for a movie about vampires, the trailer lacked any action and just had more of the same lameness of the first movie with Gayward, but here is a added twists, apparently when I made that joke about Werewolves transforming in board daylight instead of the full moon, they actually do in the movie and in the seires, it wasn’t until I see this trailer did I see how stupid it was.

Here is the biggest problem with this movie, werewolves can only be werewolves during the full moon and it’s a transformation they don’t have control of and they don’t complete transform into complete wolves like the gay Werewolves in Twatlight,I mean I can just shoot these stupid mutts with a BB Gun and they will die were as a real werewolf can only be killed with sliver bullets. God I wonder if James Wong watched the first Twilight movie and read the books of that series and based Dragon Ball evolution, which will explain why Goku was such a weak, spineless, emo faggot in DBE(Edward),why Bluma was a dumb useless whore(Bella) and even explains why the  Great ape form doesn’t  transform in the full moon but rather from sunlight(gay werewolves).

Bella is still a worthless moron and a stupid whore.Bella enters a self-described “zombie” state when Edward leaves her. In fact, the author oh-so-cleverly inserts blank pages with the months’ names as a poorly conceived plot device for showing the depths of her heroine’s pain and also to avoid having to write the “hard stuff.” Bella turns near-suicidal; she purposely puts herself in harm’s way-going so far as to jump off a cliff-to hear her lover’s imagined voice in her head. Well I’m not stopping you Bella, throw your worthless ass down the cilf,you are not only a embarrassment to your gender but to the human race. Hell I would personally have you killed with Billy Mays suicide putty. This bitch is such a disgrace to her gender, even Sarah plain looks like Wonder woman in comparison to this worthless piece of shit Bella and god words can’t describe how much Sarah plain sucks, she should stick to blowjobs and fucking at the back of walmarts with her small dick republican friends while shouting “DRILL BABY DRILL”.

As for Edward Cullen, he still sucks not just as a vampire but as a human being. He’s still boring, and abusive to Bella which only further solidifies himself as a completely hateable character. Even John McCain isn’t as bland as him and John McCain can even put Chuck Norris to sleep with his incredibly boring speeches not to mention he is a lot more likable than Edward Cullen not to mention has much more character. At least John McCain can fight unlike Edward; Even Michael Steel isn’t as lame as Ed an Edward is so backwards, sexist and abusive even Rush Limbaugh looks like a freedom loving liberal in comparison. Edward is an even bigger pussy than the Entire Democratic Party, I mean even harry Reid has more of a spine than Edward Cullen.

And why do people find this Edward guy attractive, he’s not manly, he looks like a faggot.he makes Ryan Seacrest look like Chuck Norris, I think this guy is so busy sucking dick,he doesn’t drink blood mean if I didn’t know any better, Edward was a lost member of the Jonas brothers. Hell the actor shares a lot in common with the Jonas brothers; he has no amount of skill when it comes to acting and he looks like a gay transvestite who gets too many stupid teenage girls too stupid to get real men and they make millions with their shitty performance and poor talent.’

Overall it’s the same shit as the first movie. with its bad writing, sexist portrayal of women, and poor character development ,you can see why i hate this series, trust me if you’re not a big fan of Twilight or if you think the first movie sucked ass, then i wouldn’t recommend a second look, chances are you probably won’t like it at all. What i really don’t understand is how anyone can like this insult to the human merebane, most Twilight fans are really just in love with the actor who plays Edward rather than the book, because i can’t really picture any sane woman gravitating to the story if you didn’t place some sex symbol in the movie.

and the problem isn’t really that better when we get to the issue of the relationship between Edward and Bella, for one it sets unrealistic expectations of what a guy should be like, portraying Edward as this king ht and shining armor Gary Sue which sets very unrealistic expectations to young teenage girls. You even stated that “All teenagers want sex”, teenagers are not mature or responsible enough to maintain a serious relationship with another, especially guys nowadays. How many teenagers actually commit to a serious relationship mean it’s adults in this country and they can’t even maintain a serious relationship, what thinks a bunch of regular teenagers with no strong chemistry can actually maintain a true relationship?

God do I hate twilight, this movie is the bane on humanity, forget Bin Laden, I say we arrest Muller for literature terrorism. Her shitty book and movies are raping America, it’s making people even dumber than ever before, if we don’t nail this bitch on the cross, then 2012 will be the end of humanity for people will be so dumbed down by reading and watching this shit, they will vote for that moose dick sucking whore Sarah Pailin and she will destroy us all. Twilight is living proof that this country is going down the shitter.

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