Total Drama Island:worst show ever

<ul><li>by 345rv5, Jul 6, 2009, 1:44:46 PM</li><li>Journals / Personal</li></ul>

now lets now talk about the worst cartoon on CN right now total drama island which is now total drama action.i know this has nothing to do with the CN real lineup.but it is also part of the problem with cartoon network,a large part of the problem.cartoon network doesn’t make it’s own cartoons anymore,in fact in imports shitty Canadian cartoons that suck ass,no offense to any Canadians but your cartoons suck ass.i like and respect Canada and i wish to live there one day but these cartoons are fact all these CN real shows are from Canada.cartoon network is wasting it’s money on shit like this where we can be watching good cartoons like naruto,sailor moon,dragonball z,flintstones,jetsons,scooby doo and toonami. 

total drama assbruger island is pure garbage,it’s unoriginal,it’s poorly designed,it’s stupid and i hate it. it’s characters are nothing more but stupid and uncreative various teenage and reality show’s the worst piece of shit i ever saw,it makes out of jimmy’s head look like dragon ball z and i really hated out of jimmy’s ass crack.The series is a reality show where twenty-two teens settle at Camp Wawanakwa—an island located in an unspecified area in Muskoka, Ontario. The plot is somewhat like Survivor and Endurance, with social and living environments similar to The Real World. At times, the show also spoofs elements of Fear Factor and Iron Chef. The producers of the reality show plan various challenges the campers must participate in, usually involving extreme stunts. Every three days, the losing team (up until the point where the teams are disbanded) is called to the campfire at night, where Chris (the host) passes out marshmallows. Those who receive a marshmallow get to stay, while the one who does not get a marshmallow has been voted off the island, and must walk down the Dock of Shame to the Boat of Losers, which will take them away and they will never, never, never, ever, ever, ever, come back, EVER. This process continues on until one player remains on the island.

well this bastard child of survivor and the real world is a abomination to cartoons.this is the most uninspired,uncreative,poorly wirrtien,poorly designed,unoriginal,piece of rotten Canadian ham shit i ever saw in my life.this show is a cross between shit and piss.i rather have a  power drill shoved up my ass,while having a root canal by nurse Venus while rabid dogs chew on my organs while being electrocuted while watching twilight than to watch this bullshit of a cartoon.lets review a few characters of this show and compare it to a real show with lots of drama on a island,sailor moon. because sailor moon takes place in japan,an island nation and there’s lots of drama there.much more than total shitface island.

Lindsay:also know as Dumb Blonde,seriously this girl makes Serena(sailor moon) look like a rocket scientist.this girl gives blondes a bad name,i mean she is the most offensive blonde stereotype since Paris Hilton and even she looks like a genius in comprassion to lindsay.also serena may be a ditz at times.he is a poor student, and often comes off as dumb (especially in the amine), though this is generally played off as being due to naivete and laziness rather than actual stupidity.Serena has occasionally shown some intellect and she’s way cooler and has a way better personality.also note how crudely drawn Lindsay is.for a childrens cartoon she is portrayed with enormous breasts,seriously  Lindsay is nothing more than eye candy which is surprising considering this is suppose to be a childrens cartoon. 

Harold:also known as Geek or Nerd,this dude is such a stereotype of nerds with no distinctive personality whatsoever.he’s the bastard child of napoleon dynamite and some faceless nerd.basically think of him as the equalivent of Ami(sailor mercury) in total drama island or millions of times lamer.Ami was a cool beautiful nerd with a fun,unique personality.Her character has been interpreted as a political commentary on the education system of Japan.Ami may be a nerd but she was far from out of touch from pop fact she was surprisingly into pop culture and romance novels and easily made friends which is very different from this nerd.hell even Melvin that nerd from sailor moon is less dorky that Harold. 

Courtney:also know as Bitch.countery is the equivalent to rei in this show only lacking any thing such as character depth and personality or beauty.rei may be a bitch sometimes,but it’s for goo reason,she’s usually a bitch when serena does something stupid and often gets in arguments with serena.Rei is more hot-tempered that  icy. but she is a very nice girl overrall who is often concern for her friends,she’s also a bit of snob and slightly egocentric but shes a very fun girl.despite being a priestess.Rei goes to TA Private School. It is an exclusive school for girls so she wears a different uniform than the other senshi. She studies with the other Inner Senshi at her house. she attends a catholic high school in the later seires and is very much into pop culture.this coutnery girl is nothing compared to rei.

Eva: also know as “tough girl”is a well-built Polish-Canadian female who has been in physical training since she was three years old. She is perhaps the physically strongest member of the entire cast.She also never cheers or laughs, rarely smiles m,frowns often, and above all the most humorless of the campers.she’s basically suppose to be lita on anti depressants and way ugiler.lita(sailor jupiter)is a tomboy who transfers into Usagi’s school,Makoto’s strong, independent personality is hinted at in her most striking physical feature—her unusual height.Makoto is always depicted as simultaneously the most masculine and most feminine of the younger Senshi. She is tall, strong, physical, and practices martial arts and other sports, but at the same time is rather busty and an excellent cook and house-cleaner. Her most closely-held dream is to marry young and own a cake and flower shop, and she loves romance novels. Her favorite class is home economics and her least favorite is physics.Her domestic talents are explained as a deliberate effort to overcome her tomboyishness. In the anime, she is given the additional character trait of being highly prone to random crushes. In the live-action series she enjoys shopping, but eschews “girly” things; she cooks, but also physically overpowers bullies; she reorganizes her home, but does so with a sledgehammer.She insists that she is not the least bit feminine, and seems surprised and touched when someone tells her she is .she’s way better that eva.

Bridgette:the “surfer girl”. basically your typical valley girl and athletic girl who’s not serious and is very clumsy.kinda like mina only way klutzier and much lamer.minako (sailor venus) is depicted as athletic, cheerful, romantic, and resilient.she’s overconfident, enthusiastic, determined and can be relatively serious at times,mina is one of the most lively and cheerful characters in the series,she’s also borderline insane sometimes,just see ep 141 or ep 109 of sailor moon and you pretty much get what i mean.she’s my kind of girl.   

overall this show sucks. All they have is toilet humor and mindless slapstick comedy which is not funny. A lot of it gross or stupid.

CN is really fucked up. The got rid of classics like Dexter’s Lab, Johnny Bravo, Courage the Cowardly dog, and Samurai Jack just to name a few. They Replaced them with Chowder, The Marvelous Misadventures of FAPJack, and other crap.CN was good a few years back when they still played Dexter’s Laboratory and Ed Edd and Eddy more than once a week. Now  with all this gay shit like Survive This and The Othersiders, it’s just pointless to watch now.Brainrush and Destroy Build Destroy = The most useless, unappealing, cheesy, pointless, most ridiculous shows that have ever been aired on television (that is, unless High School Musical gets a TV show). It seems like they’re using the first little ideas that pop into their heads no matter how horrible they are.The reason Cn sucks is because after a bomb scare on aqua teen the original president got scared and resigned,and that is how cartoon network started to go downhill.let’s just translate CN into

(Crappy Nutsuck).  

i always hated reality shows largely because they aren’t real,it’s an oxymoron to called it a reality show.that’s why i always hated the real world,survivor and all that other bulllshit reality shows lingering our television and this show is Proof that not even animation is safe from the atrocity that is reality TV.but even people who love reality shows will hate this,you have to be a complete fucking moron who’s blind,deaf and braindead to like this showI’d rather eat shit than watch CN.Source

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