The Twilight Saga: Eclipse:my Brain relapsed

<ul><li>by 345rv5, Jun 30, 2010, 8:57:39 AM</li><li>Journals / Personal</li></ul>

god another fucking Twatlight movie,like i didn’t have enough shit to complain about or hate on.boy am i having a real shitty week,frist that fucking stupid daily news article,then that shitty BET awards,then my SerenaxAmi pic was token down and now this’s like some consporicary to piss me off everyday and it’s working because i have to review this shit.

let it be clear i haven’t seen this shitty moive yet nor ever plan to but reading twatlight wiki and the script to Ecplise or excuse me,the fucking book of it from the local libary.i know more than enough to hate this film already and i must say they is plenty of shit to hate in this film.i’m going to translate this shitty twatlight film into simple enligsh

the flims story opens with the revelation that Seattle, Washington is being plagued by a string of murders, which Edward suspects is caused by a new vampire that is unable to control its thirst for human blood. As Edward and Bella apply to colleges, Bella explains to Edward her desire to see her friend, Jacob Black, a “werewolf”.

okay so apparently Bella is a slut now who craves hairy wolf cock and pansy vampire cock as well,there is actually a vampire killing people in this movie,great maybe he can kill edward and that bitch bella as well and glad to see a actual vampire okay maybe not actual vampire but at least some vampire is trying.he probably looked in the mirrior one morning to see how much of a disgrace  he was to all vampires before twatlight and figured he should actually try being a vampire for a change.

also does anyone find it suspicious that Bella is alll intersed in Jacob all the sudden,i can really care lees about this pairing myslef but seirously  she begins visiting him occasionally and by occasionally i mean alot,i figured she got tried of Edwards small litte vampire penis she moved on with the wolf.well fuck that shit let’s move on.

in all honestly,nothing really stood out from this movie,it was just the same boring plot with the same boring characters,i mean the first two moives had alot of stupid moments and this movie just recycles them all together.Bella is still stupid,Edward still sucks and Jacob is still the worst werewolf ever but again i have nothing new to say about this film.

well expcet for this on thing,in the flim with Bella graduation quickly approaching, Bella has one more decision to make: mortal or vampire,i hope she becomes a vampire so i can have a reason to kill her.

overall this movie is going to suck,the book bored me to death and so will this movie,that’s alll i have to say about it.i mean unlike the last two films,this was no fun considering nothing really new came from this flim that offended me.eitherway fuck this movie and fuck that bitch who made this boring ass movieSource

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