DBZ Revival of F movie Review

Sup bitches! As a life long DBZ fan, i went to the theaters within the weekend and saw the newest DBZ movie and decided to make a movie review out of it 

DBZ Week Finale: Battle of Gods Review

I’ve spent the entire week rewatching DB, Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball GT to get to the point i’m at right now. It’s been one hell of a mammoth and a long look back into my childhood.While the series as a whole holds up well( Excluding GT), it was going through obvious moments of decline as seen with the Buu Saga and how it could’ve been done better as a whole. The Original Dragon Ball Z series ended in 1995, it’s been nearly two decades since Toyriama has officially written a storyline for DBZ, so how does the latest installment of canon DBZ hold up and is it defiently worth the hype of continuing DBZ ? Has Toyirama finally found the spark that made him a legendary wirter again? We’ll see with the review of the Battle of Gods.

and have already reviewed Battle of Gods and now it’s my turn to review the anime. So what do i think of this movie ?

IT KICKS ASS ! No seriously, if you’re a fan of DBZ, then you must see this movie. I do warn though that i

Literally one year ago, i reviewed the Battle of Gods Movie and covered my thoughts on the movie and since then, DBZ has expanded itself by actually making a follow up series called Dragon ball Super, a series that ties in events between the Majin Buu Saga and the two most recent DBZ movies. I’ve yet to watch Super personally because i hate the original dub and much rather watch the English dub,especially since that’s the dub i grew up on. I will watch Super once it gets dubbed and cover my thoughts on that because it looks pretty promising, especially given it’s doing more world building of the DBZverse as a whole which is much needed in a seires like this but i’m getting off topic here. Funny enough much like last year,   beat me into reviewing this movie

So what do i think of this movie ? It’s beyond awesome ! If Battle of Gods was the calaysit to set to the new world, this movie brings more to the table with regards to action.This movie mixes elements of action from the previous Pre gods movie and the more lighthearted comedic moments. If you’re expecting a deep polt that covers the complexity of human nature or politics, this is not the movie for you, this movie is pruely about action.

(Spoiler Warning: if you haven’t watched  Revival of F , then go see this movie, especially if you’re fan of DBZ and on’t read this)

We start off with some fairy wonderland . Did we start with the wrong movie ? I thought this was DBZ, not magic pixie land.

Maybe i accidentally went to the new MLP Eqdurtila girls movie. No actually this is Hell, or rather the hell Fireza is put in which he’s subjected to his worst nightmare in existence, a playboy bunny girl that suspiciously looks like Orihime from Bleach and stuffed animals , one of them looking like Kon.

No seriously that fairy in a playboy bunny outfit and Stuffed animal lion must be a obvious homegae to Bleach.Also is Fireza gay ? I mean his worse nightmare is a woman in a bunny outfit. Either he’s a grade a Misogynist or he’s gay or maybe a gay Misogynist.

I mean if i see a girl in a bunny outfit, the last think i would be doing is whine about it ! Either that of Fireza really hates Fairy Tail.

Then again it would suck if i can’t even fap to that bunny girl while trapped in a cocoon, eitherway Fireza has weird fantasies.

Anyways while Fireza enduring the torture of cutesy things, Sobert’s men are hunting for Namekeains to get dragonballs. Fireza has spy drones . Geez, drones are everywhere nowadays aren’t they ? Anyways it’s established that they’re are the remnants of Fireza’s army who have lost most for their forces due to insurgencies across Fireza controlled planets ever since the 12 year gap of his absence. Needless to say, not many people wish to be ran by a group of Planetary Space pirates.

Sobert is the leader of the remnants and he’s quite a genre savy villain, knowing about the Sayains and knowing how they basically outclass his forces as well as the Z fighters, they do thins stealhfully and take precautions to avoid a direct battle with them which is pretty cunning and admirable and puts them above most minions within the series

To their luck, Pailf already has six dragonballs. Also why is Mai a child again ?Oh right because she was turned into a child when both her and  stupidly wished for youth and trolled them big time. Such a shame, then again that’s the price you get for being dumbasses.

I liked Mai way better as an adult.

At least she’s not some shitty minion of King Piccolo. Anyways Pillaf attempts to attack them but it fails miseraby. As expected they’re no match for Fireza’s minions and forced to comply with Sobert’s orders. Also, nice continuity nod to the previous movie in which Trunks was with Mai.

We then cut Gohan with Videl and the recntly newborn Pan with Piccolo acting as the babysiter,LOL.Gohan looks like a fuckboy, then again it’s to be expected given how he settled down and became like a human and Videl became much more feminine and womanly Also i like the tomboy look at Videl better.

One niptick, you would think with Z fighters establish to travel the world in second would be able to stop Sobert from wishing him back.Then again,we wouldn’t have a movie if that was the case.Another is wasn’t Goku and Vegeta wished back despite the fact they were vaporized when they blew themselves up ? I know this is a nitpick but i’ts kinda amusing here. Still love the nicely reanimated scene of Fireza being cut in half.

Still it’s pretty cool and funny to see Fireza fall into pieces. Also it should Be noted that Fireza must be like Hidan or some shit, it should literally impossible to survive or even function while chopped into cold cuts, then again it’s been established Fireza is semi immortal.After all he survived being cut in half with his own attack and then survived having half his head blasted off and then the planet exploding and the vacuum of space. Also Pillaf wished for a Billion Zeni, that was pretty funny and likely a good thing too. 

 Imagine if King Cold gained a Golden Form , Remember King Cold ‘s second form state=Mecha Fireza=Final Form 100%. King Cold is often theorized as being as strong as either Imprefect Cell or Semi Prefect Cell given the The video game Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3 states that “Officially, King Cold’s strength is greater than Frieza or Cooler’s” this puts King Cold at a higher league than Fireza and had he gained that power along with Fireza, i think even Beerus and Whis would need to get involved in the fight ,King Cold being golden would’ve been something.

Also damn, Fireza soldiers spare no expense with the tech do they ? They can bring back Fireza fully restored in mere minutes. Also love the Fireza score in the background.I got to give Sobert credit, he’s pretty loyal to the point he risked life and limb and spent roughly decades trying to bring back his master, say what you want about the dude evil but that does take some dedication !They even admit they spent 12 years gathering as much resources and advancing their tech to the point they can revive they’re master.

Naturally. Fireza is still prick as always, as the first thing he does is murder one of his fodder hencemen and deny them bringing back his father. Of course Fireza is thinking about revenge and he does some Darth Vader shit to another one of his minions and throws his minim to space using the force.It should be noted that Toriayma is a fan of Star Wars, and this moment was likely based on the famous force choke scene.

Fireza killed his men largely because the guy suggested that Fireza should abandon his revenge and focus on reclaiming his declining empire, a mistake that would cost Fireza greatly, then again considering he’s experienced torture in hell for 12 years straight and the fact Goku and Vegeta would stop any attempts of him remaking his empire. Sorbet then informs Frieza that they haven’t been able to locate Future Trunks in all this time and that Goku’s power has surpassed that of even Majin Buu, which is far more than Frieza could have ever imagined. But due to him being a prodigy, Frieza states that through several months of serious training, he will be able to unlock his dormant power and would be able to wipe out the Saiyans in the blink of an eye.

My question is where did Frieza train at ? Did he train in a Neruton Star ? There has to be an explanation as to why Fireeza overcame the gaps in his power level . Mind you Majin Buu was thousands of times stronger than Cell and Cell was thousands of times stronger than Namek Saga Fireza and Beerus is thousands of times stronger than Buu. We’re talking about a power gap at least in the billions of times.Then again Goku went from 27,000 in the Sayain Saga to 150,000,000 in the Fireza Saga and that was merely a week of training in 100G’s, i don’t see how it’s that far fetched in DBZ standards for Fireza to achieve the same strength with 4 months of intense training.

We then cut to some weird midget trying to get into Bulma’s Casuple Corp building. No that’s Jaco the space partoler, who was actually a canon immigrant from Toriyama’s Jaco The Galactic Patrolman manga .Jaco‘s final chapter reveals it to be a prequel to Dragon Ball, so technically the two stories were already in continuity. The main issue is that Jaco was created in 2013, well after Dragon Ball had ended, so this film is the first opportunity for such a reference. 

Jaco then goes to warn Bulma and…Holy fuck is that Bulma ? Godamn, she really continues to reverse age doesn’t she ? Like we’re 5 years into the Buu Saga and she continues to get hotter. Honestly, Vegeta sure as hell doesn’t deserve a smoking hot wife like this. Mind you she’s 46 years old, yet looks much younger than she did in the Buu Saga.

On a sidenote, did you know Bulma has an older sister named Tights ? This is a reference to the Jaco The Galactic Patrolman manga.Going by what little i know of her, Tights has become a talented Science Fiction writer, though her novel Chako the Space Policeman, based on Jaco himself, was a dud. She eventually settles on the island along with Omori and Katayude. Ten years after parting ways with her friends, in Age 749, her sister Bulma pays her a visit on the island for a temporary reunion and reveals that she is searching for a set of seven orbs with mysterious properties, which may be extraterrestrial in nature.Note that Tights is 13 years older than Bluma.That makes Tights 59 years old at the point of the seires !

Seriously what’s with the women in this family ?None of the age a day past 30. Mind you Mrs Berif’s Bulma’s mother is 71 years old around the time of this movie and yet she barely appears to be above 30. I mean GILF ? I’ll definitely hit that , 70 is just a number, that face looks like that of 30 year old woman. I think Bulma and her family wished for Eternal Youth and probably explains why none of them look any older

Also on a sidenote, isn’t it a weird conservation to just talk with some space alien about your son from the future coming to save earth and kill Fireza, then again this is a world where dinosaurs exist, shit like this is just every Tuesday really. Also,is the galactic patrol like the UN? They really suck at their jobs given the time hopping heros and villains in the Cell Saga. The again give the Galaxy Patrol only has 38 members and there are sextillions of planets, they’re massively underfunded. I mean 38 partolmen is hardly well equipped to handle

Another joke i have to make before getting back on topic, am i the only one who finds it odd that Bulma is okay with her husband spending countless days and nights with Goku and Beerus doing who knows what ? Maybe because she’s secretly in an affair with Chichi.Also i thought Rukia’s drawing skills were bad, that was just awful .Jaco’s drawing of Frieza is pretty funny, Bulma unironically says it looks accurate.

Bulma after hearing Fireza’s return takes this nonchalantly, that is until she learns there is little time to prepare for Fireza and she immdeatly calls for all Z Fighters to return. It should be noted for a time partoler, he sucks at warning people ahead of time,LOL!

We then cut to a police chase scene when criminals are being chased by the police.However this is no ordinary cop, this Krillin who became a cop around the timeskip between Buu Saga and this movie. Come to think of it aside Gohan, this is the only character who used his powers for Superhero purposes when you think about it. Goku is too stupid to really consider the bigger picture of Super heroism and Vegeta s we know is too selfish and greedy to care about using his powers for good. Tien and Piccolo are loners who distance themselves from civilization as well as Choazitu and Yamcha is too much of a jobber. I can see why they’re not often refered to Superheros and only refered to heros, given the vast difference between Japanese Heros who appear occasionally to save the world from a vast threat and American Superheroes who would stop at whatever they’re doing to fight even petty crimes but i’ll save that for when we get back to Superman vs Goku

Even though Krillin is a cop, he’s still a buttmonkey given he gets humiliated when he’s hit by the loot from the bad guy. Kirlrin then hears about the threat of Fireeza and heads home to deal with the threat. We get a scene in which Kirrin gives us some fanservice in which he shaves his head to go back to the good old days of his traditional bald look and wear his original gi that he hasn’t worn since the Cell Games 5 years ago.

 Also does that me 18 wears the pants in the relationship given she’s much stronger than Kirin. My friend brings up a good point, am i the only one aside from him that kinda thinks Toriyama might be a bit sexist ? Android 18 while not going to be much of a difference in battle against Fireza would’ve done much better against Fireza’s fodder minions given her power level is more or less on par with Imprefect Cell which is at bare minimum the same level of power as Piccolo at his best prior to Hyperbolic time chamber training. Kirin should’ve been the one staying home and protecting the child. Kirrin excluding fillers should only be at 2,670,000-4,005,000 at best ( Given he was 75,000 in the Fireza Saga and trained during the 3 year skip between the Fireza Saga and Andorid Saga) Compared to Anroid 18 who should have a power level of at least 50,000,000,000 given she easily defeated SSJ Trunks and SSJ Vegeta who are at least time times stronger than Namek Saga Fireza. I’m just saying that Toriyama is a bit sexist considering 18 can do a much better job against Fireza and his minions than Kirrin, then again Yamcha and Chaozitu were also left behind as well as Goten and Turnks and Majin Buu but more on that later.

Bulma tries to contact Whis by sending him a essage and also gathers the Z Fighters in order to fight Frieza. Gohan doesn’t tell Goten and Trunks about the fight, because he feels they might do something rash.Yamcha and Chiaotzu (who sensed Frieza’s revival earlier) are asked by Tien to stay away from the fight as he fears that Frieza’s new power may be too dangerous for them to handle.Majin Buu is also absent, for he is in a deep sleep.

Let’s cover these reasons because it’s an obvious contrivance within the plot. Let’s go over why i don’t havea problem with this. For one, Goten and Trunks are kids, brash,arrgoant kids who as seen in the Buu Saga can make costly mistake.Granted they’re at least 50,000,000,00 given they held their own with Andorid 18 in the world tournament fight but they’re immautrly and brashness might cost them greatly and we’ll cover why as we get later in the movie.

As for Choazitu and Yamacha, note the former was only 610 around the Sayain Saga and even if you take into account Fillers which boosted they’re powers, they’re still nowhere strong enough to fight over 178 of Fireza’s soldiers by themselves. In a sparring session on King Kai’s planet, he defeats Guldo whose power level is over 10,000 (between 11,500 to 19,000 in the different sources)This was the anime verison though so likely non canon but let’s take that literally, factor in the 3 year training post Fireza Saga and at best Chaoiztu is only 190,000. 

Mind you Fireza’s Soilder range between 500 to 1,500 depending on the solider. Those with rayguns which are much weaker variants are established to be at least 500 while the ones who are more combat orientated are established to be between 1,500 and 2,000 with stronger vairations being between 6,000 and 22,500-33,000 as seen with Fireza’s eilte’s Cui,Dorodia and Zaborn. Hell probably even stronger given in the forgettable Yo Son Goku movie, Ado and Kado, two remnants who were at one point comparable to Ginyu’s and Zaborn and Dodria, were t least 530,000 due to training. At the lowest end, fighting 178 Fireza Soldiers alone at the lowest end would require a power level of at least 89,000 . If they’re as strong as Radtiz , you need at least 267,000 to fight all of them evenly at once. If they’re as strong as Dorida’s eilte’s within the Bradock movie, you would need at least 1,068,000- 1,780,000 to fight 178 of them at once evenly and if they’re as strong as Dordia and Zarbon themselves the highest end would be 4,005,000-5,874,000 and that’s not even taking into account sneak attacks either without being caught off guard or potential ambushes.

Chaozitu alone would outmatched against 178 Raditz level Fireza soldiers, he barely makes it against 178 Fireza soldiers with merely the power of 500. What about Yamcha? Even taking into account the filler in which he beats Recoome with a power of 65,000 at best along with the training he got in the 3 year wait for the Androids, he would still be woefully under 1 million, barely past 530,000 with a power level of 650,000 and that’s not even factoring the fact Yamchas hasn’t trained at all in 12 years so he’s likely dramatically weaker than this . 

As for Buu being asleep ? Yeah that was clearly done to keep him from basically curbstomping all 1,000 soldiers himself because unlike the Z Fighters who can’t risk leaving their guard down for a second, Buu can regenerate even a minor sneak attack and would easily kill ally Fireza Soldiers with a single shot.To be fair, the fight as pretty cool so good for them excluding him out of the fight.

Also some claim that the Fireza Soldiers are only as strong as Chi Chi which is highly unlikely. I doubt a bunch of soldiers with a power level of 120-137 would be giving even a Rusty Gohan and Piccolo slight difficulty .https://www.youtube.com/embed/wke79QTqUJg?autoplay=0&enablejsapi=1

Then again Chi Chi does known Kaioken and so scary that even Goku fears her,LOL!

Anyways while the Z Fighters prepare against the upcoming threat, Goku and Vegeta are trained within an unknown part of the Universe and Beerus and Whis are on a completely different level from Goku and Vegeta are they ? I think Beerus using 70% of his power back int he frist movie was bullshit, he was holding back way more than that. If Beerus and Whis are only 70% apart from each other in power, the fact Goku and Vgeta Post God training barely able to land a hit on him even togheter should how much stronger the gods are from their countetarts.Hell he even easily defeats a blodlusted Vegeta before he can react and beats down a Post God False Super Sayain.

Going by the claims of Fireza’s power, his Golden Forms power is said to be 100 Qunttilion( Likely far higher when you factor in the fact Golden Fireza>>>>>>Omega Shenron and the fact you add Zenkai and Mupilters) if we powerscale that downwards, it’s 20 times below Golden Fireza’s state so God Essence Goku and Vegeta has a power level of at least 5 Qunttilion. Whis is not even breaking a sweat.Note Goku this movie>>Goku Battle of Gods,especially when you factor Zenkai and training.

After all going by the scaling of DBZ, we get at least this

250 Quntillion=Whis estimated full power

166 Qunntilion= Beerus estimated full power

100 Quntillion=Golden Fireza/ SSJG 2 Goku and Vegeta

10 Quntillion=SSJ4 Gogeta/ SSJG Goku battle of Z/ Bereus using”70%” of his power

5 Quntillion= God Essence False Super Sayain Vegeta and Goku

1 Qunttilion= Omega Shenorn

100 Qaudrillion= SSJ Vegito’s power/SSJ4 Goku

12 Qaudrillion= Buuhan’s strongest power level

1.2 Qaudrillion= Kid Buu’s strongest power level

1.2 Tirllion = Super Prefect Cell’s esimate power

120,000,000 =Fireza’s maxium power( Namek Saga)

So yeah i say Beerus was actually fighting at 6% of his power . Nowhere near 70%,especially when you consider the essence of god in this state is at least 50% of a imperfect SSJG state. Hell if anything Beerus makes even Fireza shit his pants and that saying alot. This is even after Frieza becomes assure that he can beat Goku, yet when he catches sight of Beerus,instead of acting like his normal, cocky self, Frieza looks close to wetting himself. Beerus is so awesome that he humbles Frieza with his mere presence. This confirms my theory because Golden Fireza> Goku Battle of Gods

Whis accurately describes the flaws within both Vegeta and Goku’s fighting styles, one is too relaxed and confident in his strength the other overthinks and overexert. Keep this in mind because this is actually showing how self aware the movie is and shows how there is considerable amount of thought that went into the writing of this movie as opposed to the most DBZ movies.Goku and his mercy, as well as his over-confidence. Instead of killing Frieza, he offered him the chance to leave peacefully and even says that he’s willing to fight him again once he learns to control his new form. Vegeta’s tendency to think too much before acting. Whis warned Vegeta earlier that he took too long to act which made him slow to react to changes in a fight. Keep this in mind because these character tirats would play a pivotal role much later on.They’re also a clever nod at continuity and the major character flaws of Both Goku and Vegeta within the series. Goku as seen with the Fireza Saga’s own mercy bit him in the ass when Fireza tired to get revenge against them and destroy earth and Vegeta’s own arrogance and over thinking bit him in the ass when didn’t take into account how much stronger Cell would become when he asborbed 18.

Also i think Whis blowing up suns with sneezes would be enough to put behind all this DBZ downplay i’ve been seeing how ” Now DBZ character is Solar System level”.Quite Frank as much as i hate DBZ wank, i also hate DBZ downplaying in which it pits characters much weaker than what they’re shown to be. Granted one can argue speed regarding DBZ characters given the inconsistencies between some feats however claiming that they’re only Solar System level when much weaker characters are Planet busters, Cell and characters stronger than him are Solar System busters but i’ll get to that some other time. 

Whis casually mentions that he can rewind time by three minutes. He uses this skill to keep Beerus from destroying more than usual. Remember that for later !LOL, these guys never heard of Pizza ? Also on a sidenote, how does pizza withstand traveling at wrap speed ?It’s shown that Whis and Beeru can travel so fast, they can blow up planets accidentally, yet the pizza box remains in contact.

We then cut to the 1,000’s of Fireza soldiers ready to fight and damn, while they’re fodder, they’re still a major league threat given the vast numbers. Also Fireza does some target partcie on a nearby city.Damn not even rubble remained from that blast and this was him being a little rusty.The Z fighters arrive in battle i find it odd that you bring Roshi but not Choazotu or Yamcha but then again we’ll get to that in a minute.

Image result for slavs in tracksuits
SS2PU Gohan (RF DB)

Also what’s with Gohan’s look ? Is he trying to appeal to the “Slavs in tracksuits ” meme? I’m just teasing here. Also Kirrin ask a good question regarding why Bulma is in the battlefied !Then again given Firea’s casual city busting, i don’t really blame her, after all at least the z fighters would protect her from the blast so fair enough.

And onto the fights and holy shit, they went pretty much all out with the fighting here. Even though Fireza soilders aren’t anything impressive, the sheer numbers alone are impressive and you can tell the animators went all out on the fighting here.However the real start of the show is fucking Master Roshi himself. Master Roshi is actually fighting within a DBZ movie.

Think about it, for him to be able to dispatch Frieza’s men can only mean one of two things. The first is that Frieza’s men are pitifully weaker than they ought to be, which would make no sense as we know his forces were preparing alongside him for the invasion. The only other explanation is that Master Roshi’s been doing some bulking up in his spare time, at least enough for his “MAX” state to be able to blow them away.I personally lean on the latter honestly because i doubt Fireza soldiers were that weak( They were giving Kirin a hard time too).

It’s not really far fetched either. Roshi throughout the seires is still seen training despite being retired and there is a 27 year difference between when Roshi retired in the Budokai 22 and this movie. Him getting stronger isn’t that improbable really,especially when you consider the threats of Cell and Buu would’ve probably made him train to increase his power greatly so he can be of more use. Still for him to be trusted to fight at least 178 soldiers would put this Master Roshi somewhere between 276,000 and over 4 Million given the fact he defeated 178 Fireza solders ranging from Raditz level to Zarbon level. I mean he takes out several with a one handed Kamehama wave, now that’s badass.

As for Jaco, while comparably much weaker than Roshi ( Given he used merely guerrilla warfare tactics and trickery to defeat Fireza Soilders) still he’s at least 276,000 given he was still able to beat 178 soilders himself. It should be noted that all the Z Fighters with the exception of Taco and Roshi were holding back as  Frieza even notes that a severely rusty and base Super Saiyan Gohan could end things in an instant. To add even further insult to injury, the Earth’s forces were taking down Frieza’s army without killing any of them.

Also Kirin seems to be much more rusty than Gohan given eh gets tired out much faster than Gohan, then again kirrin is much weaker than Gohan. Also i like the weighted clothing joke regarding Piccolo and several of Fireza’s mooks , that never gets old.Gohan despite being rusty still knocks out Fireza soilders with utter ease and curbstomps them the easiest, Tien has no problems as expected,especially given Tien is confirmed stronger than Semi prefect Cell in the Buu Saga given he caught Buu off guard and stopped his blast.Also wasn’t aware there were killer fish in the DBZ world

Now onto Shismai vs Piccolo,Shisami on Par with Dorodia and Zaborn…my ass ! Piccolo is as strong as Semi Prefect Cell at the very least , i think that guy either is very strong or Piccolo has been slacking more than Shisami, a red devil-like alien who rivals Piccolo in power. To give context, after merging with Kami, Piccolo became far stronger than an untrained Super Saiyan and is equal to Androids 17 and 18. Goku wasn’t even half as strong when he first transformed and he kicked Frieza’s ass.https://www.youtube.com/embed/P6VB1RTLwNE?autoplay=0&enablejsapi=1

It could be that Fireza’s hencmen relied on outdated scouters to measure Shisami’s power level which only recorded up to 22,500-33,000 given it’s shown in the Namek Saga that power levels above 20,000 cause outdated scouters to malfunction and explode and this power level was likely how strong Shisami was 15 years ago, his power has peaked far past this point now.

Also despite Gohan losing his ability to turn Mystic in this movie due to him not training as opposed to the last movie, he’s still much stronger than Piccolo as he easily curbstomps Shisami in battle,implying he’s at least as strong as Buu Saga SSJ2 Goku even when severely rusty. However Fireza not happy with this manages to punch the life out of Gohan before he can get his full power.How does Frieza show off how badass he has become? He punches Gohan so hard that itstops his heart. He did this in his weakest form, too.

This is a clear call back to the Fusion Reborn movie in which Gohan curbstomps Fireza and kills him with a single punch to the heart,causing the villain to explode. That’s actually a pretty cool continuity nod ! Does that mean that movie was canon to events or just a ironic lampshade ? Talk about revenge. Hell Gohan would be dead had not for Piccolo’s emergency first aid and Senzu Bean

Also is it me or Beerus and Whis are quite gluttons ? They spend most of the movie eating as opposed to anything else, then again as Gods of Destruction, they are balances, not Heroes, they only would intervene if the villain threatens the balance of the Universe, that and they can easily take Fireza themselves. Also you’re telling me there is a Space Australia but no space Italy ? 

Bulma’s message eventually reaches Whis, and Goku and Vegeta travel back to earth to fight Frieza. Whis and Beerus join them in order to eat a strawberry-flavored dessert Bulma has prepared for them. 35 minutes at maximum speed ? How far are they ?

It’s established that Beerus and Whis can travel up to 4,522,092,665 c or 4.5 Billion times the speed of light casually and established that at top speed, they reach up to Hundreds of Billions of times the speed of light,at the very least 160 Billion C. To give that in context, they would be traveling up to the maximum of 5073 Lightyears per second. The best estimated distance from Earth is roughly 10,653,658 Million Light Years or the length equivalent of 106 Meekly Way Galaxies. That’s a pretty huge distance and confirms Goku can sense energy to at least this range at his god state.

Also on a sidenote, the Yaoi overtones are real here with regards to Goku and Vegeta given Vegeta is reluctant to grab Goku’s hand. Am i the only one who thinks Vegeta is in the closet? Anyways Goku uses the Instant Transmission to teleport Whis, Beerus and Vegeta to Earth proving how broken Instant Transmission is with regards to it’s range.

Anyways Goku and Vegeta confronts Fireza. I like how Roshi is like, well, i’m outta here, fuck this, probably a smart move !Now we get to see False Super Sayain vs Final Form Fireza. As expected the battle is awesome and everything you expect from a battle between two god tier characters, though personally, i think this fight should’ve showed off a bit more feats to give the impression of how much stronger Fireza has become. Goku then blasts Fireza with a God powered Kamehameha Wave within his essence state and that enrages Fireza into using his full power Golden form state.

During the fight, Goku and Vegeta get into a fight over who fights Fireza as expected! Though , one nitpick, 

Fireza gives Goku a hard time and seems for a while,Fireza was stronger than Goku, though i have one nitpick . Does Bluma have super hearing ?How did she hear them all the way up in the stratosphere or even see them fighting ? Mind you they’re moving too fast for the human eye to see.https://www.youtube.com/embed/wke79QTqUJg?autoplay=0&enablejsapi=1

Then again she is as ballin as Chi Chi so there’s that.

Also is Jaco racist ? He doesn’t really like Sayains does he ?Then again he was orginall sent to stop Goku and Sayains from invading other planets. Beerus and Whis make a good point about Goku and Vegeta’s pride getting in the way of their fight with Frieza.However as the fight drag on,Fireza become notably weaker than SSJG 2 Goku( I refuse to say Super Sayain God Super Sayain ). 


 It’s clear that his Golden form suffers the same drawbacks as his previous state power. The main weaknesses to Fireza’s power is  lack of practice and stamina with a brand-new transformation. Back in the Cell arc, Goku and Gohan dodged this weakness by staying transformed at all times, while Vegeta avoided using the slow, bulky “between” Super Saiyan form after practicing with it,something Trunks foolishly did. Frieza’s biggest mistake. He left his training too early once he obtained his ultimate form.

Due to Fireza’s miscalculation, Goku starts to pwn Fireza badly and outclass Fireza in power within his Golden form.Fireza spams destruction disk like attacks however his power keeps weakling much like back on Namek. Goku manages to blast him with yet another Godly Kamehaha Wave to defeat the tryant and Fireza starts to whine about him being outclassed.

However Fireza then has a last ditch effort attack and has Sobert use a power ring ray gun to shoot Goku while his guard is dropped which nearly kills Goku when he was wounded within the chest.One would wonder how does an sinfgicant little creature liek Sobert can hurt Goku at his strongest ? Simple, it’s as Whsi says, he drops his gaurd too much.https://www.youtube.com/embed/F-KmDPK8XYk?autoplay=0&enablejsapi=1

And as seen within the series, a character catching someone offgaurd is not implausible as seen with Kirrin with a power level of 75,000 cutting Fireza’s tail off in second state with destructo diskhttps://www.youtube.com/embed/mTDxeiKX9TM?autoplay=0&enablejsapi=1

Or Kirrin with a power level of 750,00 tackling Imperfect Cell with a power level of 50,000,000,000https://www.youtube.com/embed/LEY26DA2p9I?autoplay=0&enablejsapi=1

Or Goku in base damaging Fusion Buu with a Destructo Disk. Base Goku =At least 1.2 Trillion, Fusion Buu=6 Qaudrillion

All i’m just saying is it’s not impossible for someone to drop his guard and be token out or injuries by much weaker characters in DBZ.

Also it’s as Whis said, this is Goku’s greatest weakness, his merciful nature.Now Goku gets his ass handed to him because of his mistake. Hell i kinda like that because it shows Goku’s fatal flaw regarding his confidence issue.Hopefully this would be a good lesson in humility regarding Goku and Vegeta’s actions here.Frieza stands over the nearly incapacitated Goku and offers Vegeta a chance to kill Goku for him in exchange for his own life. 

Uh Fireza, are you really this arrogant and bilnded by you’re ego ? You’re a fool to even consider that Vegeta would ever want to work with you again after you reduced him to tears, tortured, and then murdered him. Not to mention killing his father and destroying his planet. Yeah i don’t think i would want t work with a boss who put me in a gravestone once ! Anyways Vegeta refuses and transforms into a Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan as well, much to Frieza’s shock. Vegeta tells Krillin to revive Goku with a Senzu bean. As the latter moves to do so, Frieza attacks him, but Vegeta intercepts and deflects Frieza’s attack towards Sorbet, which kills him. Vegeta attacks Frieza, eventually causing him to revert to his fourth form, who then realizes that he cannot win.  

Admittedly this is a bit of a Anti Climax regarding the movie, despite gaining a new Super Form. Despite the power up, he still lacks the stamina to actually keep up with Goku or Vegeta. Neither Goku nor Vegeta actually takes the fight completely seriously however, even briefly fighting each other at one point over who actually gets to fight Frieza. Then again despite the sightly disappointing output of Fireza, the fights are still still intense and awesome and i’ll be lying if i wasn’t rooting for Vegeta to take out his long awaited revenge on Fireza.https://www.youtube.com/embed/J6Q3J-ver8g?autoplay=0&enablejsapi=1

It is also awesome for Vegeta because he seems to finally gotten over Frieza. In the series Vegeta was upset that it was Goku who defeated Frieza and not him. Frieza also was the one to humiliate him the most with enslaving him and then killed him by basically torturing him to death and mocking him for thinking he became a Super Saiyan. The Vegeta of the past would have repaid the humiliation he suffer a thousand times over, but instead he’s indifferent. He knows he has nothing to prove to the monster who enslave him and only fights Frieza for sport. That’s how little Vegeta thinks of Frieza, he’s no longer worth his hatred.Frieza is closed to tears after losing to Vegeta, just like how Vegeta was reduced to tears after realizing he never stood a chance against Frieza. It is a awesome call back and as fan of DBZ, revenge best served cold.

However despite Fireza ultimately being defeated by Vegeta ,Frieza decides to destroy the planet, killing Vegeta in the process. Earth is destroyed, but Whis manages to save himself, Beerus, Bulma, Krillin, Gohan, Goku, Master Roshi, Piccolo, Tien and Jaco by creating a small bubble around themselves. While Bulma despairs, Goku expresses his regret that he didn’t kill Frieza when he had the chance. Whis tells him that he has the power to set back time but only three minutes into the past. He does so, and they arrive back right before Frieza destroys the Earth.Speaking of which, Whis reveals he can turn back time for up to 3 minutes. Yeah i found that to be a bit of a cop out in all honestly, but to be fair, at least it was foreshadowed as his power and really, do we expect anything less from a confirmed God ?

This is a nice way to show how the foolishness of both Vegeta and Goku has come back to bite them in the ass and foreshadowed Whis and Beerus’s warnings.  Frieza has come back for revenge against Goku, but much like in the previous film there’s a nonchalant attitude from various characters about his arrival, like people who are able to destroy planets by gently tapping them is nothing to write home about. We have Goku and the Dragon Balls, so whatever. But then Frieza actually detonates the Earth, killing almost everyone permanently while presumably being able to survive himself. Goku realizes his own irresponsibility was at fault for letting the situation escalate that far and that he must face such things more seriously because even Whis has limits on how much he can rewind time to set things right. Whis and Beerus points out several times that things with Frieza wouldn’t have gotten so bad if Vegeta and Goku fought together instead of letting their pride blind them and fighting Frieza one at a time. Their pride nearly cost them the Earth and hopefully this would be a claytast of development between movies and the Super Anime.

Given one last chance, Goku immediately attacks with a God Kamehameha and kills Frieza. Once Frieza returns to Hell, he is mocked by the Angels of Hell, who greet him back home.Vegeta, naturally unhappy with with Goku stealing his kill and they get into an argument ad we end on a few joeks from Jaco and Bluma as well as Goku and Vegeta.

 Do i really need to say anything more about this movie ? This is a pretty kickass movie that mainly lives up to the hype, while Fireza himself is still a cool villain, he’s suffered a bit of Villain decay and comes off a bit whiny but aside from that, the fight everyone came to see, Goku vs Freeza. Or rather, SSGSS Goku vs Golden Frieza still lives up to the hype and both Goku and Frieza are prefect equals are perfect equals in active capability. 

However what also made this movie a step above most others,especially Battle of Gods is the fact that all characters got some decent screentime . Thee Z Warriors and Jaco took on Frieza’s entire army (who also trained with Frieza) with little effort. Only Shisami gives them any real trouble and he’s taken down by Gohan with one punch. Best part, they took apart Frieza’s army without killing anyone. The most impressive of them all being Jaco who despite not being able to fly or use ki, is still capable of taking down Fireza’s army basic martial arts, gymnastics and his lasers despite each solider being as strong as Raditz at the very least or Master Roshi who goes from barely being able to beat King Pcciolo to being able to kill Raditz over 178 times over.

It’s no wonder that despite the limited release in theaters here in America, the movie has grossed a staggering 3.5 million dollars in 2 days! In fact, it made the highest amount of money per theatre for the first day it is in American theaters. And, in just 2 days, it out grossed the entire lifetime of Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods last year at the same timeframe.


As of August 9, 2015, Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ‘F’ has grossed $5.97 million in the United States and Canada and $52.32 million in other territories for a worldwide total of $58.29 million.[45]

Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ‘F’ opened at number one in the Japanese box office, earning approximately US$8.1 million with 716,000 tickets sold in its first two days. It made 40.3% more and sold 27.4% more tickets than Battle of Gods did in its opening weekend.[46] Deadline.com reported that it had the biggest opening in Japan to that point for 2015, making Japan the only territory in the world where Furious 7 did not debut at number one.[3][46] The film earned around US$10.9 million by its sixth day and sold 1 million tickets by the end of its first week, making it the fastest film to reach that attendance number in Japan to that point in 2015.[47] By May 6, 2015, it grossed 3.1 billion yen (approximately US$25.9 million) on 2.36 million admissions, surpassing Battle of Gods in 19 days.[48][49] In mid June, the film debuted in Latin American markets grossing $7.11 million during its opening weekend.[50]

In the United States, it opened on Tuesday, August 4, 2015, the second DBZ anime film earning $1.97 million from 894 theaters and $1.55 million on Wednesday. It is scheduled to open in Canada on Thursday, August 6, and will screen in about 1,030 theaters total during its limited theatrical engagement from August 4 – 12, 2015.[51]

Anyways, it’s a must watch if you’re a fan of DBZ and i recommend as an enjoyable summer blockbuster for non DBZ fans.

Overall: Z+  if you’re massive fan of this seires like am

      B or B+ if you’re an outsider to this seires

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